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A Manual of Theoretical Mechanics. By Julius Weisbach, Ph.D. Translated from the fourth augmented and improved German edition, with an introduction to the Calculus, by Eckley B. Coxe, A. M., Mining Engineer. 1100 pages and 902 wood-cut illustrations.
Lowell Hydraulic Experiments--- being a Selection from Experiments on Hydraulic Motors, on the Flow of Water over Weirs, and in open Canals of Uniform Rectangular Section, made at Lowell, Mass. By J. B. Francis, Civil Engineer. Third edition, revised and enlarged, including many New Experiments on Gauging Water in Open Canals, and on the Flow through Submerged Orifices and Diverging Tubes. With 23 copperplates, beautifully engraved, and about 100 new pages of text.
Report on the Filtration of River Waters, for the Supply of Cities, as practised in Europe, made to the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of St. Louis. By James P. Kirkwood. Illustrated by 30 double-plate engravings.
On the Construction of Iron Roofs. A Theoretical and Practical Treatise. By Francis Campin, C. E. Mem. Mat. Acad. of Great Britain. With wood-cuts and plates of roofs lately executed.
Iron Truss Bridges for Railroads. The Method of Calculating Strains in Trusses, with a careful comparison the the most prominent Trusses, in reference to economy in combination, etc., etc. By Bvt. Col. William E. Merrill, U.S.A., Corps of Engineers. Nine lithographed plates of illustrations.
A treatise on the Strength of Bridges and Roofs---comprising the determination of Algebraic formulas for Strains in Horizontal, Inclined or Rafter, Triangular, Bowstring, Lenticular and other Trusses, from fixed and moving loads, with practical applications and examples, for the use of Students and Engineers. By Samuel H. Shreve, A. M., Civil Engineer.
With an Account of the Regimen of the Missouri River,---and a description of the Methods used for Founding in that River. By O. Chanute, Chief Engineer, and George Morison, Assistant Engineer. Illustrated with five lithographic views and twelve plates of plans.
Description of the Iron Railway. Bridge across the Mississippi River at Quincy, Illinois. By Thomas Curtis Clarke, Chief Engineer. With twenty-one lithographed plans.
An Elementary and Practical Treatise on Bridge Building. By S. Whipple, C. E.
Long and Short Span Railway Bridges. By John A. Roebling, C. E. With large copperplate engravings of plans and views.
The New Method of Graphical Statics. By A. J. Dubois, C. E., Ph.D.
New Constructions in Graphic Statics. By Prof Henry T. Eddy, C. E., Ph.D. With ten engravings in text and nine folding plates.
A Treatise on Bracing, ---with its application to Bridges and other Structures of Wood or Iron. By Robert Henry Bow, C. E.
The Theory of Strains in Girders---and Similar Structures, with Observations on the Application of Theory to Practice, and Tables of Strength and other Properties of Materials. By Bindon B. Stoney, B. A.
Skeleton Structures, especially in their Application to the building of Steel and Iron Bridges. By Olaus Henrici.
Modern Marine Engineering, applied to Paddle and Screw Propulsion. Consisting of 36 Colored Plates, 259 Practical Wood-cut Illustrations, and 403 pages of Descriptive Matter, the whole being an exposition of the present practice of the following firms : Messrs. J. Penn & Sons ; Messrs. Maudslay, Sons & Field ; Messrs. James Watt & Co. ; Messrs. J. & G. Rennie ; Messrs. R. Napier & Sons ; Messrs. J. & W. Dudgeon ; Messrs. Ravinhill & Hodgson ; Messrs. Humphreys & Tenant ; Mr. J. T. Spencer, and Messrs. Forrester & Co. By N. P. Burgh, Engineer.
Lessons and Practical Notes on Steam, ---the Steam Engine, Propellers &c., for Young Engineers. By the late W. R. King, U. S. N. Revised by Chief-Engineer J. W. King, U. S. Navy.
Application of the Slide Valve and Link Motion to Stationary, Portable, Locomotive and Marine Engines. By William S. Auchincloss. Designed as a hand-book for Mechanical Engineers. Dimensions of the valve are found by means of a Printed Scale, and proportions of the link determined without the assistance of a model. With 37 wood-cuts and 21 lithographic plates, with copperplate engraving of the Travel Scale.
A Treatise on the Richards Steam-Engine Indicator,---with directions for its use. By Charles T. Porter. Revised, with notes and large additions as developed by American Practice, with an Appendix containing useful formulæ and rules for Engineers. By F. W. Bacon, M. E., Illustrated. Third Edition. (Enlarged.)
Engineering Precedents for Steam Machinery.---By B. B. Isherwood, Chief Engeneer, U. S. Navy. With illustrations.
A Practical Treatise on the Slide Valve by Eccentrics,--- Examining by methods the action of the Eccentric upon the Slide Valve, and explaining the practical processes of laying out the movements, adapting the valve for its various duties in the steam-engine. For the use of Engineers, Draughtsmen, Machinists, and Students of valve motions in general. By C. W. MacCord, A. M., Professor of Mechanical Drawing, Stevens' Institute of Technology, Hoboken, N. J.
The Steam-Engine Indicator,---and the Improved Manometer Steam and Vacuum Gauges ; their utility and application. By Paul Stillman. New edition.
The Private Book of Useful Alloys and Memoranda for Goldsmiths, Jewellers, etc. By James E. Collins.
A Treatise on the Mechanical Theory of Heat, and its Applications to the Steam-Engine. By Prof. R. S. McCulloch, of the Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va.
The Metals Used in Construction : Iron, Steel, Bessemer Metal, etc., etc. By Francis H. Joynson. Illustrated.
How to Become a Successful Engineer. Being Hints to Youths intending to adopt the Profession. By Bernard Stuart, Engineer. Sixth Edition.
The Naval Dry Docks of the United States. By Charles B. Stuart, Engineer in Chief U. S. Navy.
Steam for the Million. A Popular Treatise on Steam and its Application to the Useful Arts, especially to Navigation. By J. H. Ward, Commander U. S. Navy.
A Treatise on Roll-Turning for the Manufacture of Iron, by Peter Tunner. Translated by John B. Pearse, of the Pennsylvania Steel Works. With numerous wood-cuts, 8vo., together with a folio atlas of 10 lithographed plates of Rolls, Measurements, &c.
The Manufacture of Steel. By M. L. Gruner ; translated from the French. By Lenox Smith, A.M., E.M. ; with an Appendix on the Bessemer Process in the United States, by the translator. Illustrated by lithographed drawings and wood-cuts.
The Use of Steel in Construction. Methods of Working, Apply ing, and Testing Plates and Bars. By J. Barba, Chief Naval Constructor. Translated from the French, with a Preface, by A. L. Holley, P.B.
Manual of Hydraulic Mining, for the use of the Practical Miner. By T. F. Van Wagenen, E. M.
Four Lectures on Static Electric Induction. By J. E. H. Gordon, B. A.
A Manual of Sugar Analysis. Including the Applicatins in General of Analytical Methods to the Sugar Industry. With an Introduction on the Chemistry of Cane Sugar, Dextrose, Levulose, and Milk Sugar. By J. H. Tucker, Ph.D.
Text-Book of Experimental Organic Chemistry for Students. By H. Chapman Jones.
Practical Blow-Pipe Assaying. By George Attwood. 210 pages. 74 illustrations.
The Blow-Pipe ; A Guide to its Use in the Determination of Salts and Minerals. Combined from various sources, by George W. Plympton, C. E., A. M., Professor of Physical Science in the Polytechnic Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Plattner's Manual of Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis with the Blow-Pipe. From the last German edition, Revised and enlarged. By Prof. Th. Richter, of the Royal Saxon Mining Academy. Translated by Professor H. B. Cornwall ; assisted by John H. Caswell. With eighty-seven wood-cuts and Lithographic Plate.
Introduction to Chemical Physics ; Designed for the Use of Academies, Colleges, and High Schools. Illustrated with numerous engravings, and containing copious experiments, with directions for preparing them. By Thomas Ruggles Pynchon, M.A., President of Trinity College, Hartford.
A Compendious Manual of Qualitative Chemical Analysis. By Charles W. Eliot and Frank H. Storer. Revised, with the cooperation of the Authors, by William Ripley Nichols, Professor of Chemistry in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Guide to a Course of Quantitative Chemical Analysis, Especially of Minerals and Furnace Products. Illustrated by Examples. By C. F. Rammelsberg. Translated by J. Towler, M.D.
Legal Chemistry. A Guide to the Detection of Poisons, Falsification of Writings, Adulteration of Alimentary and Pharmaceutical Substances ; Analysis of Ashes, and Examination of Hair, Coins, Fire-arms, and Stains, as Applied to Chemical Jurisprudence. For the Use of Chemists, Physicians, Lawyers, Pharmacists, and Experts. Translated, with additions, including a List of Books and Memoirs on Toxicology, etc., from the French of A. Naquet. By J. P. Battershall, Ph. D., with a Preface by C. F. Chandler, Ph. D., M.D., LL.D.
First Book in Qualitative Chemistry. By Albert B. Prescott, Professor of Organic and Applied Chemistry in the University of Michigan.