-Argentina Brand-
Smell: Well, it all smells like canned meat, right?
Texture: A little firmer than some, but could be better.
Method of preparation: Sample from can, fried some later.
Comments: Steel can. Taste was a little sweet, note sugar on ingredients
list. This seems to be SPAM style pork glued together with mechanically
separated chicken. Somewhat amusing that "Argentina Brand" is made in the USA.
Decidedly not Halal. Note that it was made for the Philippine market. Old
school steel can is harder to open than newer aluminum cans.
Overall Rating: Not as good as real SPAM, but if this is what you have, it's
not bad. While it is not as sweet as, say, SPAM Teriaki, the sweet is very
noticeable, so keep this in mind if this is not what you like.