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The Kneipp Cure.—Natural healing has been developed in Germany mainly by Priessnitz, Schroth, Kneipp, Kuhne, Bilz and others, a feature common to all their cures being the extended application of water. Especially the Kneipp cure has found in recent years a great many friends; it is called after Sebastian Kneipp, who, as a Catholic priest in Woerishofen in Southern Germany, treated and cured an enormous number of patients who called on him from all parts of the world. He died in 1897.
Principles of the Kneipp Cure.—The principal remedy is cold water. Regarding its judicious application, the following general rules may be given:
1. The shorter the bath or the application of water, the better the result.
2. The colder the water, the shorter must be the bath and the quicker results the wholesome reaction in the body. Weak persons ought to begin, however, with mild temperatures, say, first 60 degrees (Fahrenheit), later 55 to 50 degrees and finally cold water.
3. Before the application of the cold water is made the body should be as warm as possible; otherwise one must begin with a warm water treatment.
4. When the application of the water has been made, do not dry the body, but dress yourself quickly and make first quick movements and then slower ones, in order to produce the reaction in the body. Should the reaction not set in and the patient be very weak, he should go to bed to get warm.
5. Hardening the body is the best means against all diseases. Nothing is better for this purpose than cold water.
Kneipp Knee Shower-bath.—With a hose sprinkle cold water on the leg of the patient, from the foot to the knee. Begin with the front of the leg; start with the right foot; go up to the knee and then back to the right foot; go then over to the left foot, up to left knee and back; do this until the legs become red. Then turn the patient and treat in the same way the back part of the legs.
The knee shower is applied mainly against rush of blood to the head to make the blood circulate from the head to the lower parts of the body.
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The Kneipp Head Shower-bath.—The whole head is uniformly sprinkled over with water by means of a sprinkling can; one sprinkling can full of water is sufficient. For weak persons take the can only one-half full. The head shower-bath is applied with success, especially against diseases of the eyes, ears, nose and head. Take care to dry the hair carefully after the bath.
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Walk Barefoot in the Damp Grass.—Besides the regular baths of the whole body or of parts of the body, this is the most simple and natural means of hardening the body. Persons who suffer with rush of blood to the head or with diseases of eyes, ears, throat and nose, ought to walk daily barefoot in the damp grass for ten to twenty minutes with excellent success if the weather is not too cold.
Natural Healing in Special Diseases.—Special applications of the Kneipp cure in different cases will be found in the following articles on special diseases, in which also the methods of treatment of other German representatives of natural healing are considered.
Treatment.—Keep the body warm, take good care of the skin by taking daily a full or three-quarter full bed steam bath (see the description below). After the bed steam bath take a bath of 86 degrees Fahrenheit, or rub the whole body with water of 72 degrees. The inflamed portions of the skin may be powdered now and then with rice-flour. Avoid stimulating food, go much into the fresh air, and if necessary use a syringe when bowels are constipated.
The Bed Steam Bath.—This bath may be taken in two forms: either as a full bath or as a three-quarter bath. In the full bath the body is wrapped up to the chin, in the three-quarter bath the arms are free. The method of wrapping up the body is the same in both cases. The wraps are a woolen blanket, and a damp linen cloth, which has been put into water between 64 and 77 degrees and has then been wrung out. The woolen blanket must be larger than the damp linen cloth. Put the woolen blanket first into the bed on the mattress, put the damp linen cloth above the blanket, put the entirely nude patient above that and then wrap him up. The patient must be covered entirely by the damp linen cloth, and this must be again wrapped up in the woolen blanket, so that at the outside there is nothing but the woolen blanket. Hot water bags may often be used to advantage in connection with this bath; four bags may be applied: one at the bend of the knee, the second at the soles of the feet, and the other two at both sides of the legs, outside of the wrapping. Sometimes the latter two bags alone are sufficient.
These baths are not only good against chicken-pox, but may be applied also in other diseases, as will be noticed in the following articles.
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Treatment.—Avoid irritating food. The best food is bruised wheat-bread, pumpernickel, fruits, figs and carrots. Place every night, or every second night, a bandage around the abdomen at 77 degrees (see the description below), and rub the whole body in the morning with water of 55 degrees. If necessary, use a small syringe twice daily to make the bowels move; use water of 77 degrees.
Kneipp's Worm Remedy.—Kneipp recommends the following remedy against worms: Mix wermuth with twenty-five ground seeds of pumpkins, and drink this tea for several weeks, and the worms, which cannot stand the bitter tea, will soon disappear.
The Bandage Around the Abdomen.—This bandage is not only useful for the above purpose, but is somewhat like a universal remedy; it acts often in an admirable manner; it renders very good service against cold in the head, headache, toothache, loss of appetite, dizziness, etc.; it is especially useful against female ailments.
How to Apply the Bandage.—There are required for this bandage some woolen cloth or a long woolen shawl or a piece of flannel of sufficient length and width to make a bandage twice around the abdomen. There are further required two towels of coarse linen, which are put into water between 66 and 75 degrees, and are then thoroughly wrung out. These towels are placed upon the flannel or woolen bandages, which are spread out ready for use. The flannel or woolen bandages must be larger than the towels, so that the flannel or wool have to show from either side the width of two or three fingers. The bandage, fixed in this way, is then placed around the abdomen of the patient.
Treatment of Acute Form.—Take daily a bed steam bath (see the description in the article on Chicken-pox), with extra bandages at the back in the neighborhood of the kidneys, also extra bandages on the heart, until perspiration takes place freely; after that take a bath of 88 to 90 degrees, and a shower-bath with the water of 81 to 84 degrees, and rub the skin thoroughly. If necessary, extra bandages of shorter duration may be made on the kidneys, around the legs, and so forth, also during the night. Patients who do not stand well the bed steam baths should be treated by mildly washing and rubbing the whole body several times daily. Avoid irritating food; don't drink much. The best to drink is milk which is not too cold; strictly avoid all alcoholic drinks. Take care that the bowels move regularly; if necessary use a syringe; go much into the fresh air. Improvement can be obtained by this treatment in one or two weeks, but sometimes it takes several months, until the urine becomes clearer and lighter and begins to flow in greater quantities.
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Treatment of Chronic Form.—The chronic form develops itself from the acute form; often the patient is not aware of the development itself, until the disease is in a critical state: Take daily a bed-steam-bath, after that a bath of 88 degrees or warmer, say 61 to 63 degrees, for eight to ten minutes. Bandages may also be applied during the night. Avoid irritating food; take much sweet milk. Drink water in moderate quantities, take care that the bowels move regularly. Above all, rest in the bed.
Kneipp's Cure.—Against Bright's. disease Kneipp warmly recommends lemon-juice. According to Dr. Siebert one patient ate in three months three hundred lemons, daily three or four, and the urine was free of glair. The patient was dismissed as cured. Kneipp's baths must be of course also applied in connection with the treatment.
Treatment.—Separate the sick person from the healthy people,. because this disease is contagious. Give the patient a steam-bath of 15 to 25 minutes, and after that let him take a bath in a bath-tub at 97 to 104 degrees, for ten to fifteen minutes; rub the body thoroughly with soft soap, to which may be added some sand in order to scratch the itchy spots open. After the bath, rub soft soap thoroughly in the itchy spots (without sand) and give the patient a "dry-wrapping" (see description below) for three-quarters of an hour to an hour. Finally let the patient take a cleansing bath at 88 degrees. Repeat this treatment daily for four to five days. Let the patient change the underwear every day. One may also leave out the steam-bath and begin at once with the warm bath. One may also rub the itchy spots with kerosene before retiring in the evening; when rising in the morning let him take a bath and clean the body with soap. Repeat this treatment for three or four days.
Description of the Dry-Wrapping.—Place on the mattress a large woolen cloth and above that a large linen bed-spread, put the patient on these cloths and wrap the same around him, first the linen bed-spread and around that the woolen cloth; wrap the bed-cover (the blankets) around and tuck them in all about so that no air can come through, and the heat which is developed inside cannot escape. The patient will soon begin to perspire.
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The dry-wrapping is of great value for the most chronical diseases, but may in single cases be of disadvantage. One should always observe whether a patient stands better a dry-wrapping or a bed-steam-bath (see the description of the latter in the above article on chicken-pox) and one should choose what is more advantageous to him.
Treatment.—The prospect of a thorough recovery of the patient is not very great. To produce relief, give the patient daily a warm bath of 59 to 61 degrees, and sprinkle softly the sick portions of the body: further avoid all irritating food, use a diet without any meat (among the original inhabitants of East Indies, who are vegetarians, and live on vegetables and fruits, the disease of cancer is entirely unknown); finally let the patient go much into the fresh air and let him sleep at open windows.
The cancerous spots of the body should often be cleaned by rinsing them with clean water or with decoctions of camomile; also soothing or exciting bandages (see the descriptions below) should be applied. During the first period of the disease let the patient take weekly three or four full steam-baths following with full-wrapping baths and baths in the bath-tub with shower-baths; or, instead of that full bed-steam-baths (see the description in the above article on chicken-pox) with following bath. Sometimes it is of advantage to apply daily warm compresses on the sick spots, which are afterward sprinkled softly with water of 81 to 86 degrees and are then covered with a compress, moistened with water of the same temperature.
Description of Soothing and Exciting Bandages.—Both bandages are applied only at special sick portions of the body, that is on the cancerous spots. An "exciting" bandage heats the sick portion of the body and dissolves and diverts the disease. It is applied in the following manner. Dip a piece of linen into cold water of 64 to 73 degrees, wring it out and, place it in two, four, six or more layers on the sick spot; place above it a thick dry woolen patch which must be larger on all sides than the moist linen. This compress must be tight and well fixed so that the heat formed.. below it cannot escape; the compress must be larger than the sick spot on all sides by several inches. This compress is left on the sick spot for two, three, or four hours, or for the whole night; in general as long as the patient does not want it removed; it should not annoy the patient. After the compress has been removed sprinkle the sick spot with cold water.
The Soothing Bandage.—A "soothing" bandage is applied for relieving the pain. A piece of rough linen, folded up in four to eight layers is dipped into water of 77 to 86 degrees, slightly wrung out, placed on the sick portion of the body and covered with a woolen patch. This compress is mostly applied for 30 to 45 minutes and in general as long as they produce agreeable feelings to the patient.
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Treatment.—The first point to aim at must be to remove the special causes to which the increased separation of phlegm is due. Avoid irritating food, rub the whole body daily with water of 73 to 77 degrees, or take a bath of 88 to 91 degrees, after which the body must be thoroughly rubbed until it is dry. During the night a bandage around the abdomen (see description in the above article on worms) is to be applied. Further different forms of wrappings, bandages and bed-steam-baths are often advantageous. Keep quiet and rest. When the organs of breathing are affected, keep the body uniformly warm, and breathe mild, clean air which is not too dry. Take care that the bowels move daily. As the different forms of catarrh are produced by different causes, they must be also treated in a different way, and the treatment should always be of such a kind that it suits the special patient. The above remarks give the general rules.
Prevention of Cholera Morbus.—In case of epidemic cholera morbus in a town, everybody must take great care to keep his body in such a condition that it cannot be affected by the disease. The best means of accomplishing this are as follows:
The Blood.—Take care that your blood is good and healthy. For this purpose breathe good, clean air. Everybody who can afford it should be daily in the fresh air for some time; in the fresh air take repeatedly deep breaths. Air thoroughly the rooms where you live and sleep. If one is confined to the house and must breathe bad air, breathe through the nose and rinse afterward mouth and nose with fresh water and strengthen the lungs in the best air which is at disposal.
Diet.—Avoid irritating food, don't eat meat, don't drink alcoholic drinks, avoid spiced and sour dishes. When one does not want to avoid meat entirely (which would be the best), one should take care at least that meat does not amount to more than one-fifth of the meals, while four-fifths are vegetables, rice, noodles, barley, Indian meal, farina, legumen, and everything in the way of potatoes. A sudden and thorough change in the custom of eating and drinking may, however, have disadvantageous consequences, hence be cautious during the change. Drink good water.
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The Skin.—Before all other things take good care of the skin. Rub the whole body daily with water by means of a rough linen towel, dry the body, rub it thoroughly with a dry towel until the body is dry; begin with the legs and arms and proceed then to neck, head, chest, abdomen and the back. The clothing should not be too thick but comfortable.
The Gargle.—To strengthen the pituitary membranes, gargle daily with cold water and rinse the nose, afterward take a few drinks of water.
While eating, chew well the meals; "well chewed is half digested," is of great importance in this case. Keep the house and the rooms very clean.
The Bandage.—The life should be very regular. Keep the abdomen warm. He who thinks that he needs a woolen bandage around the abdomen should wear it not below but above the linen or cotton shirt.
The Bowels.—Take care that the bowels move regularly every day. In cases of diarrhoea, as well as of constipation, take a clyster with a syringe containing about one-fourth pint (i. e., one gill) of water at 59 to 66 degrees; also apply during the night a bandage around the abdomen (see the description in the above article on worms), the water used for this purpose having a temperature of 72 degrees. (While most people and even physicians think that a clyster—injection—is only good to make the bowels move, it is a fact that one may also cure diarrhoea with it.)
Who lives according to these rules may be sure that he does the very best to prevent cholera morbus and should not be afraid. To be afraid is disadvantageous.
Treatment of Cholera Morbus.—1. Cholera morbus never attacks a healthy person unexpectedly; there are always before symptoms of the developing disease. If the symptom is a light diarrhoea, sometimes with an unpleasant feeling in the abdomen, rub the whole body at once thoroughly with water of 66 to 73 degrees (one part of the body after the other, while the body is warm), place a bandage around the abdomen (see the description in the above article on worms), and put a hot-water bag at the feet; keep the bandage on for about an hour; but if it should become hot quicker, replace it repeatedly. As soon as the feet get warm, wash them with cool water and repeat this four or five times during this hour. When the bandage has been taken from the abdomen, rub again the body with water and apply a small injection with the syringe, the water having a temperature of 68 degrees. These injections should be given especially after the bowels have moved. If this treatment does not help apply a steam-bath in a suitable form, following with cooling bath, shower-bath or rubbing of the whole body. After that massage of the body and exercises, or a good walk.
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2. When the symptom of the developing disease consists in constipation apply injections with the syringe, about half a pint or one-fourth pint, with water of 73 to 90 degrees; repeat the same every hour or every second hour, if the bowels do not move; and if this is not successful give the patient a "sitz-bath" (see the description below) at 68 to 86 degrees for five to ten minutes, while the body is kept warm and a hot-water bag is placed at the feet. Don't apply this bath when the patient feels cold, nor when he has a disease of the heart or the lungs, nor when he is nervous. Avoid any irritating meals.
Description of the Sitz-Bath.—The sitz-bath may be taken in the bath-tub or any large vessel. The water may reach up to the navel. This sitz-bath is not only good in the case of cholera morbus, but may also be applied against indigestion, rush of blood to the head, diseases of the abdomen, hemorrhoids and female diseases. These baths are often very important and their success becomes often apparent after a short time only. According to the disease and to the condition of the patient, the temperature of the water may be 66 to 73 or 82 or even more; it should be taken for five to fifteen minutes and in special rare cases for twenty-five to thirty minutes. Kneading, rubbing and massage of the abdomen during the sitz-bath is often advantageous.
Treatment.—Keep quiet and avoid irritating meals, eat dishes seasoned very mild only, avoid all alcoholic drinks, avoid meat, drink much fresh water and enjoy the fresh air; avoid all opportunities which would cause an excitation of the genitals.
Take daily a half-steam-bath or a half-bed-steam-bath (this is a bed-steam-bath as described in the article on chicken-pox, but reaching up to the navel only, three hot-water-bags, wrapped up in damp cloths, being placed at the feet), put a special damp compress, moistened with water of 73 degrees, on the genitals. Take afterward a bath of 88 degrees.
Take daily two or three sitz-baths in water of 77 degrees, for fifteen to twenty minutes. During the night place a bandage around the abdomen (see the description in the article on Worms). In case of constipation make injections with the syringe. Instead of the sitz-baths, three or four partial baths of the genitals in water of 82 to 86 degrees may be taken, each for ten to twenty minutes; perhaps also repeated washing of the genitals with water of 77 degrees. Drink much water in order to dilute the urine. If one wants to inject water of 82 degrees into the urethra, this must be done very softly by means of a small syringe with rounded (not sharp) mouth; such injections may be made several times daily, especially after having made water. In the meanwhile also soothing or exciting bandages (see the description in the article on Cancer) may be made on the genitals, with water of 73 to 77 degrees, the compress being all wrapped up in a woolen cloth. To prevent inflammation of the scrotum, or when it has become inflamed, protect it by a suspensory which is to be buckled on in a careful and suitable manner.
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Treatment.—For cases of ague or fever-shivering, rub the patient thoroughly (dry or wet) and then give him a dry-wrapping or a bed steam-bath (see the descriptions in the articles on Itch and on Chicken-pox). When he perspires, let him take later a bath of 86 to 89 degrees. Should this treatment cause prickly-heat on the body, looking like measles or small-pox, and so forth, this should be regarded as a good sign, because in this way the morbid matter is removed from the body. To remove it thoroughly the patient should take some more bed steam-baths, or exciting bandages, as described in the article on Cancer, should be applied, in order to make him perspire moderately. A bath has to follow.
Treatment.—In all cases which have been caused by bad blood a "restorative cure" should be used (see the description below). Further put soothing or exciting bandages (as described in the article on Cancer) on the sick portions of the body, the wet linen being folded up in six to twelve layers and moistened with water of 72 to 100 degrees, according to the nature of the boil. This compress must be well covered with a woolen patch much larger than the boil; when the compress begins to get dry it is to be renewed. These compresses cool, dissolve the boil and suck out the morbid matter. It is further important to clean each boil thoroughly by washing and dipping out with lukewarm water.
The Restorative Cure.—This cure is not only good in the treatment of boils but should be applied generally in all chronical diseases, as the body needs to be first strengthened in general. This cure will always give good results whatever the special disease may be. A natural, not irritating diet is required: bread, vegetables, milk, anything made of milk and of eggs, oatmeal, fruits, now and then a soft-boiled egg is allowed. Meat should not be eaten in too large quantities; strong coffee, all alcoholic drinks, tobacco, spiced dishes, and so forth, are entirely forbidden. Drink mainly water, drink it often, especially before taking a walk and before retiring at night a drink of water is to be recommended; lemonade, cocoa, malt-coffee are also allowed. The diet should be moderate; when the patient begins to feel better he should not stuff at once his stomach. The patient should enjoy the fresh air as much as possible and should take good care of the skin by daily washing or rubbing once or twice the whole body with water of 82 to 95 degrees; the applications described in the article on the Kneipp Cure are also to be recommended.
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Treatment.—The principal object to aim at is the production of a healthier and purer blood; this requires a simple, digestible, nourishing and not irritating diet and plenty of pure and fresh air. The patient should sleep at open windows and exercise the lungs by uniform and slow breathing in and out in good fresh air. The patient should not work as a tailor, seamstress or in an office, in general not in such a profession or trade where he must sit continually. As long as the disease is still in the beginning period, light work in the garden, done cautiously, renders excellent service. In cases in which the disease has already made more progress the patient should begin with washing the upper part of the body with water of 86 degrees. When he has accustomed himself to these washings he should begin to wash also the lower part of the body; for this purpose he should use water of 73 to 77 degrees. Two points are to be kept in mind: first the patient must be comfortably warm while he is washed, and should afterward take care to dress himself quick and get warm by means of motions; second, while the patient is washed he should sit still, the washing and later the drying should be done by an attendant. Who has no attendant at his disposition should not do these washings at all. When the patient feels cool and uncomfortable, or when the weather is cool and rainy the washings should not be performed. As long as the patient is strong enough he should take walks in pure and sunny air as much as possible.
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Treatment.—Any disease which might arise from a cold is best prevented by a cure producing a strong perspiration so that the interrupted activity of the pores of the skin is restored. Take a bed-steam-bath (as described in the article on Chicken-pox); a rubbing of the whole body or a bath follows. See also the remarks in the articles on the Kneipp Cure and on Ague.
Treatment.—The patient is to be separated from the healthy people. The windows of the room where he rests should be open. He should be covered with one or two woolen blankets which must be aired several times daily, if possible in the sun. The floor of the room is to be cleaned daily. The following special treatment is very successful: A full bed-steam-bath (as described in the article on Chicken-pox), combined with a cool bandage around the neck, which is applied as follows: Put a towel into water of 54 to 56 degrees, wring it out moderately and place it around the neck of the patient so that it reaches up to the ears. The upper half of the bandage is not covered with a woolen cloth. The duration of the bed-steam-bath is 45 minutes to an hour. Should the patient become uneasy the wrapping is to be removed earlier. If necessary this packing is to be repeated twice or three times during twenty-four hours. Afterward the body is to be washed with water of 73 to 86 degrees. Further, the mouth is to be cleaned repeatedly by gargling; one-fifth of a lemon per glass of water. Only when the patient wants to eat give him buttermilk, apple-marmalade, fruits, oatmeal, and so forth.
Treatment.—The patient should take only small quantities of easily digestible food. After any meal his body and mind should rest. Anything that is eaten should be well chewed. The best food is rice, fruits, stale rolls, and now and then a drink of water; begin first with very small quantities of water, so that the stomach can warm it, and drink gradually more and more water. Rub daily the whole body with water or take a bath, also rub repeatedly the abdomen; the sitz-bath (described in the article on Cholera Morbus) is a very good remedy in all cases of indigestion and dyspepsia.
Treatment.—As soon as the suspicious cough makes its appearance the patient gets a full-wrapping or three-quarter wrapping (as described in the article on Chicken-pox); the linen cloth in which he is wrapped must contain much moisture; the temperature of the water used is 82 degrees; a hot water bag, which is covered with a wet cloth, is placed at the feet; the duration of the wrapping is one and one-half hours. After that a bath of 91 degrees, while at the same time the neck is poured over with water of 59 to 73 degrees; This treatment is repeated after five or six hours. Should the condition of the patient become worse the treatment is to be repeated at once. Besides this bandages around the abdomen every two hours with a water temperature of 82 degrees, and bandages around the calves with water of 73 degrees, also every half hour soothing bandages around the neck with water of 73 degrees (as described in the article on Cancer) are to be recommended. Enjoy the fresh air by opening the windows, drink fresh water, avoid irritating food, and in case of constipation use the syringe to make the bowels move.
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Treatment.—Take often a "hand steam-bath" by holding the hand for some time over a pot filled with boiling water, the hand and pot, being wrapped up in such a way that the steam cannot escape. After that, bathe the hand in lukewarm water. During the night exciting bandages around the hand (as described in the article on Cancer), with separate compresses on the sick fingers, are to be applied. Every other day, and later every third or fourth day, let the patient take a bed steam-bath (as described in the article on Chicken-pox), also with separate compresses on the sick fingers. The sick fingers should be thoroughly kept clean and care should be taken to protect them from cold.
Treatment.—Before all other things the food for the patient should not be spicy, nor should he eat meat; further he should enjoy the fresh air as much as possible and should sleep at open windows. The patient should daily take a steam-bath of about fifteen to twenty minutes, after that he should be wrapped up, and should later take a bath of 88 degrees. Instead of that daily, a full steam-bath or a three-quarter steam-bath (as described in the article on Chicken-pox), with following bath of 86 to 88 degrees can be applied. Bad cases have been cured by this treatment, combined with a strict diet, as mentioned above. Further, let the patient take, if possible, daily, two or three sitz-baths at 73 degrees (as described in the article on Cholera Morbus), each bath for fifteen to twenty minutes. When the genitals are inflamed, separate compresses are to be applied. In case the scrotum is inflamed, a suspensory is necessary. Points which discharge matter must be covered with wet linen, and above that a woolen patch is placed. The moist compresses are to be renewed, when necessary, day and night. The sick portions of the body get a bath twice or three times a day and must be carefully washed and kept clean; cleanliness is of the utmost importance. To strengthen the body, the rules of the restorative cure should be applied, as described in the article on boils.
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Treatment.—Avoid any irritating food, the best is that the patient accustoms himself gradually to a vegetarian diet. He ought to drink plenty of fresh water; also the juice of lemons dissolved in water. He should enjoy the fresh air as much as possible and sleep at open windows. He should take care that the bowels move regularly very day; otherwise he should use the syringe. When a painful attack of gout occurs, soothing bandages which contain much moisture (as described in the article on Cancer) are placed around the aggrieved bones; when the bandages have been removed, wash the skin lightly with bare hands, afterward massage, first in a soft manner and gradually in a more and more effective way, then again soothing bandages. When the pain is great, the bandages should be made rather moist, so that they may be left on the skin for a longer time in order not to trouble the patient too much. During the free pauses, the patient should be brought daily to perspiration by means of a bed steam-bath of one and one-half to two hours (as described in the Article on Chicken-pox), afterward a bath in water or 88 degrees, or instead of the bath, the whole body is rubbed off with water of 73 degrees. During and after the bath massage of the painful portions of the body is to be recommended. Sun-baths have also been applied to good advantage against gout.
Description of a Sun-Bath.—This bath has a very good influence in many diseases; when the patient is nervous, it should, however, be applied only with much caution. One form of a sun-bath is as follows: On a warm summer day the patient is laid upon a mattress upon which the sun shines, but at a place where there is no breeze or air, he is covered with a light cloth only and his head is protected by a parasol. He will soon begin to perspire; he lies first on the back and then on the stomach. After he has perspired, he is sprinkled with lukewarm water on the hind part of the head, the shoulders, the breast, the back and the legs; or the whole body is rubbed off with water. For some patients it may be of advantage to use cold instead of lukewarm water.
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Treatment.—Avoid any irritating food; the best is that the patient should live for some time on a strictly vegetarian diet, vegetables, fruits, bread; no meat, fat or eggs. Much fresh air, the windows of the sleeping-room being kept open; daily two to four bandages around the abdomen, with water of 73 to 83 degrees (as described in the article on Worms), each bandage for about two or three hours, further, the whole body should be rubbed off once or twice daily with water of 73 degrees, or instead of that a bath in water of 91 degrees. One may also apply for some time bed steam-baths (about three per week,) with following bath of 91 degrees or rubbing off of the body with water of 73 degrees. In more serious cases the rules of the restorative cure (see the article on Boils) should be considered. In case that gall-stones are present the patient must drink plenty of water. Further, when there are symptoms of inflammation, compresses should be placed near the liver, the temperature of the water being 78 to 82 degrees. These compresses are to be replaced or removed according to the wishes of the patient.
Treatment.—When the swelling of the glands is due to bad blood the principle of the cure must be to help the nature in bettering the blood. Just the glands are used by nature for purifying the blood and removing morbid matter. Therefore, the activity of the glands should be supported by steam-baths, baths in the tub, wrapping, washing, and so forth; further the circulation of the blood should be regulated by suitable massage; finally the quality of the blood should be bettered by good and healthy, but not irritating food, and by fresh air at day and night.
For acute mumps the following rules of cure may be given: Daily a bed steam-bath (as described in the article on Chicken-pox), with separate compresses around the neck, for one hour or for an hour and a half, and besides extra compresses around the neck with water of 68 to 73 degrees, well covered with woolen cloth. When they become hot so that the patient feels uncomfortable (about every thirty or forty-five minutes), they are to be replaced. Afterward the whole body is rubbed off with water of 73 degrees. A vegetarian diet is to be recommended.
Treatment of Acute Rheumatism.—Daily a bed steam-bath (as described in the article on Chicken-pox) for one hour or an hour and a half. Before this bed steam-bath massage (first of the sound, then of the sick portions of the body with warm hands, moistened with fresh water. After the bed steam-bath the whole body is rubbed off with water of 66 degrees, with massage of the sick portions. The latter also receive often soothing bandages (as described in the article on Cancer); when they are removed cold rubbing and massage of the sick portions with bare hands. Take care that the bowels move regularly. Apply during the night a bandage around the abdomen (as described in the article on Worms). In case the inflammation and the pain are very great it is better not to use massage in the first time.
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Avoid irritating food, strictly vegetarian diet is to be most recommended. Avoid all exciting drinks, such as coffee and alcoholic drinks. Breathe fresh air in the house and outside; sleep at open windows. Drink often water and lemonade in large quantities.
Treatment.—Separate the patient from the healthy people. Take care that the formation of the scurf on the skin goes on regularly so that the body is supported by the treatment in removing the morbid matter. Bandages around the middle part of the body and around the legs with water of 73 degrees (as described in the article on Cancer). When the patient has high fever, wrap up the body (as described in the article on Chicken-pox) and put a moist towel around the neck (as in the case of Diphtheria); also a bath of 86 to 91 degrees. To support the body in removing the morbid matter, apply bed steam-baths with following lukewarm baths (as described in the article on Chicken-pox). Avoid irritating food, eat much fruits, drink much fresh water, take great care not to catch cold, especially during the time the scabs fall off; but fresh air is to be brought continually to the room by opening the window. In case of constipation, apply the syringe to make the bowels move. Be careful for some time after the patient has recovered in order to prevent a relapse.
Treatment.—Separate the patient from the healthy people. Take care to have fresh air in the room where the patient lies. Greatest cleanliness, frequent change of the underwear, daily washing of the whole body. Avoid any irritating food. Drink often fresh water, also lemonades of fruit juices. Further three-quarter or full packing (as described in the article on Chicken-pox), the water used for this purpose has a temperature of 68 to 86 degrees. Further an extra compress around the middle part of the body. This packing is made up as follows: On a mattress is placed a large woolen cloth, above that a large linen cloth which had been put into water of 68 to 86 degrees, and had been well wrung out. These two cloths are for the three-quarter or full packing. On the large linen cloth, where the middle part of the body will lie, place a large towel which has been moistened in the same water and is used as extra compress.
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Put above this the patient. Wrap the towel around the middle part of his body, then the large moist linen cloth around his body, and wrap him finally up in the large woolen cloth. The duration of this packing is one hour or an hour and a half or even more, in general as long as it is comfortable to the patient. Afterward a mild washing of the whole body or a bath of 86 to 91 degrees with a following shower-bath. After this the patient is dried and brought to bed, or he is not dried, but, wet as he is, he is covered by a dry linen cloth, brought to bed and well covered with the blankets. As soon as the fever has again increased, this treatment is to be repeated. To prevent as much as possible the formation of scabs in the face, put continually compresses of 66 to 73 degrees on head and face.
Treatment.—Separate the patient from the healthy people, as the whooping-cough is contagious. Daily one to two lukewarm (82 to 93 degrees) three-quarter bed steam baths (as described in the article on Chicken-pox), with an exciting bandage around the shoulders (as described in the article on Cancer), of a duration of one and a quarter to one and a half hours; afterward a bath of 88 to 91 degrees is given or the whole body is rubbed off with water of 73 degrees. During the night a bandage around the abdomen (as described in the article on Worms) is applied; the water used for this purpose has a temperature of 82 degrees; the bandage must be very well covered with a woolen cloth. It is also to be recommended to take a small drink of moderately cold water after every attack of cough. Fresh air day and night; the windows of the sleeping-room should be open. Vegetarian diet, in which all irritating food is avoided. Let the patient eat fruits and slimy food, such as water gruel, barley-water, and so forth; further, let him drink lemonades of fruit juices. Meat should be avoided. Change of air, or the removal of the sick child from the town where there is an epidemic of whooping-cough, is also to be recommended.
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