The right thing done at the right time relieves suffering, saves lives and doctor bills. Here are remedies that every one should know about:

Abscess.—Apply a warm flaxseed or hop poultice or an ointment of oleate of mercury and morphia.

Acidity.—Give five drops dilute nitric acid before meals and three grains pepsin after meals.

Ague.—Give one grain of quinine every two or three hours and five drops Fowler's solution three times a day.

Alcoholism.—Remove the cause and give half teaspoonful of compound tincture of cinchona, with about three drops tincture nux vomica, every three hours.

Amenorrhea.—Use warm sitz baths and take five grains chloride of ammonia every three hours. See also beet-syrup cure, page 1258.

Anemia.—Sponge body morning and evening with a solution of rock salt and whiskey and give iron and quinine as tonics—four grains of reduced iron and half grain of quinine—three times a day.

Angina Pectoris.—Inhale the fumes of chloroform or ether, or nitrate of amyl tears, one broken in handkerchief and inhaled, and give one-twentieth grain of arsenic every three or four hours.

Apthae, or Sore Mouth.—Apply a mixture of one part borax and two parts honey or solution of chlorate of potash.

Asthma.—At commencement of attack give ten grains powdered alum. Saturate blotting paper with solution of chlorate of potash and saltpetre; set fire and inhale smoke.

Bed-sores.—Apply alcohol to harden skin, or glycerine cream, rubbed over part. If skin is broken apply zinc ointment.

Bile, Deficiency of.—Give one grain of mercury and chalk (gray powder) three times a day.

Bites or Stings of Insects.—Apply strong hartshorn, which destroys the poison.

Bladder, Inflammation of.—Give a mixture of one ounce tincture cubebs, one ounce tincture buchu and two drachms sweet spirits of nitre. Half a teaspoonful in water every two or three hours.

Breath, Foul.—Take three grains of camphor three or four times a day.

Breath, Shortness of.—Give ten drops of tincture of lobelia every fifteen minutes until relieved.

Bright's Disease.—Take five drops tincture of aconite three or four times a day, with warm baths.

Bronchitis.—Encircle chest with flaxseed poultice and give three drops aconite, with ten drops sweet spirits of nitre, every two or three hours.

Bruises.—A strong tincture of cayenne pepper, with half glycerine, applied removes discoloration.

Burns.—Collodion painted over slight burns subdues inflammation, or a strong solution of baking soda applied, or a mixture of four parts of lime water and one of oil applied, quickly relieves.

Carbuncle.—Apply one part tincture belladonna with two parts glycerine, and over same apply warm poultice.

Catch in the Breath.—Cold sponging for infants waking with a catch in the breath at night.

Change of Life.—For flushings, and so forth, three grains of bromide of potash every three hours, for headache apply a mixture of two ounces of ammonia and common salt, three ounces of alcohol and thirty-two ounces of water.

Chest, Pains in.—When not from inflammation apply iodine ointment.

Chicken-pox.—Keep child in darkened room, and give nitre water as drink, and one drop of aconite every two hours for two or three days.

Chilblains.—Apply balsam of Peru ointment or iodine ointment.

Choking.—In children who choke with liquids from their birth, from one to two grains bromide of potash every two or three hours.

Cholera Infantum.—Give one-fourth grain of gray powder (mercury and chalk) every hour or two, with lime water and milk for vomiting. Warm poultice to abdomen and bowels.

Cold Feet.—Immerse the feet in cold water at bedtime and rub briskly with coarse towel and give internally five drops tincture nux vomica three times a day.

Cold, Feverish.—At commencement a warm bath will cut short the attack, remove the aching pains and relieve the hoarseness.

Cold in Head.—Take at beginning ten drops spirits of camphor every two hours and inhale spirits of ammonia, with warm bath at night.

Colic.—In that of children or infants give from one-half to two grains of carbonate of ammonia every hour or two until relieved and apply fomentations of all kinds or spirits of chloroform, two to five drops, with one or two drops of laudanum.

Colic, Painter's.—Give ten grains of alum every hour until relieved; then tablespoonful of epsom salts.

Constipation.—One-sixth grain extract belladonna at bedtime, or a suppository of two grains of the extract, any of the mineral waters, fruit before breakfast, or two or three grains of rhubarb, with a grain or two of carbonate of soda, one or two times a day.

Convulsions.—In children apply ice bag to spine and inject five grains of chloral into rectum. Place child in warm mustard bath, and then apply ice bag to spine.

Cough.—In chronic cough, ten grains of alum in teaspoonful of water and spray throat with same, or spray throat with wine of ipecac.

Croup.—A teaspoonful of alum in honey or syrup every ten or fifteen minutes, or half a teaspoonful of syrup of ipecac until free vomiting takes place. Inhale the vapor of steam. Place child in hot mustard bath, and after removal put hot flaxseed poultice around the throat and chest.

Diabetes.—Give ten or fifteen grains of citrate of potash three or four times a day.

Diarrhoea.—Give starch injection with half a teaspoonful of laudanum for adult; for child only a few drops, and one drop of the wine of ipecac every hour, especially if vomiting be present, or half a grain of gray powder (mercury and chalk) every hour or two.

Diphtheria.—A strong solution of chlorinated soda applied to throat. Ice to be sucked at commencement and continued constantly till disease declines. Solution of perchloride of iron to be applied to throat and twenty or thirty drops to be administered every two or three hours.

Dislocation.—Perfect quiet should be insisted on until the arrival of assistance, and the reduction should be effected as soon as possible, delay being justifiable only when the appliances required for the purpose are not at hand or the diagnosis uncertain. Keep part well wet with warm solution of lead water and laudanum.

Dog-bite.—Wash parts thoroughly with carbolic soap, and then apply strong, hot vinegar every five or ten minutes.

Dyspepsia.—Three grains of bismuth, with five grains of charcoal, to be taken before meals, and three grains pepsin in a little water after meals. Half teaspoonful of compound tincture cinchona, with five drops tincture of nux vomica in a little water, taken three times a day, is very beneficial.

Dizziness.—Give five drops of tincture of gelsemium four times a day.

Earache.—Apply croton oil liniment to back of ear, and drop in ear one or two drops of chloroform or two drops of laudanum, and five of sweet oil.

Eczema.—Apply a cold potato poultice, with a little powdered camphor and oxide of zinc sprinkled on, or the powder alone may be dusted over the surface, and wash parts with yolk of egg and water or milk and water.

Epilepsy.—At commencement inhalations of chloroform or ether for a few moments. Ice to spine.

Eructations, Offensive.—Five drops of dilute hydrochloric acid in a little water, with three drops of tincture nux vomica, after eating, will correct this.

Erysipelas.—Take one teaspoonful of following mixture every two hours: One ounce each of glycerine, chloroform and tincture of iron.

Erysipelas.—Give five drops tincture of aconite every hour at commencement. Add a teaspoonful of tincture of digitalis to half a pint of boiling water, and apply by means of flannels wrung out of this decoction to parts.

Eyes, Inflammation of.—Bathe the eyes three or four times a day in warm water, and then drop into each eye a few drops of the following: Boracic acid, ten grains; water, one ounce.

Faintings.—Wrap body in wet, cold sheet, allow it to remain fifteen or twenty minutes, then dry well. In threatened fainting lean forward and place the head between the legs, as low down as possible, so that the blood may gravitate to the brain. Give twenty drops aromatic spirits of ammonia every three or four hours.

Fever.—At outset give two drops tincture of aconite every hour, with nitre water as a drink—teaspoonful of sweet spirits of nitre in half glass of water. Warm mustard bath and sponging with warm water.

Flatulence.—Abstain from sugar and starchy food, also from tea. Half teaspoonful every two or three hours of the following: Teaspoonful of tincture of asafetida in half pint of water, or five grains of charcoal, with two grains carbonate soda after meals.

Fracture.—It is of great importance that any aggravation of the injury by unnecessary movements of the limb should be avoided, especially if it is of the lower limb. Patient should be placed upon a bed or lounge, a light bandage to encircle the broken limb, and two pieces of stout binders' board, or wood placed on either side of limb with bandage to retain it, and perfect quiet enjoined until assistance arrives. Keep part wet with tincture of arnica.

Gall Stones.—Give ten grains of chloral every two or three hours until relieved, or tablespoonful of olive oil every two or three hours until relieved. Apply warm fomentations to seat of pain.

Glands, Enlarged.—Apply iodine ointment and give internally three grains of sulphide of calcium three times a day.

Goitre.—Apply iodine ointment two or three times a day, and give three drops tincture of belladonna every two hours for several days.

Gout.—Apply a solution to joint on cotton of five grains carbonate lithia to one ounce of water, and give teaspoonful wine of colchicum every two or three hours.

Hay Fever.—A solution of cocaine with atomizer is useful; also in the inhalation of spirits of camphor; also spraying the throat with wine of ipecac.

Heartburn.—Give five drops of the tincture of nux vomica half an hour before each meal.

Hemorrhage, Nose.—A strong solution of alum or the powder sniffed up the nostrils. Compress the facial artery of the upper jaw near the nose. Apply ice bag to spine, upper part of neck, and give one drop tincture of aconite every hour.

Hemorrhage, Lungs.—Give half a teaspoonful common salt, dry, until nausea is induced. Ice to be sucked constantly. Give five to ten drops of turpentine in sweetened water every two hours. Apply ice bag to spine, middle part of back and lower part of neck.

Hemorrhage, Stomach.—Ice to be constantly sucked. Give two drops of the tincture of witch hazel every two or three hours. Perfect rest.

Hemorrhage, After Childbirth.—Insert pieces of ice into vagina and rectum, also inject into vagina four ounces of the perchloride of iron with twelve ounces of water, and give ten drops fluid extract of ergot every two hours.

Headache.—Two drops tincture belladonna every hour or two. Hot sponge face, temples and neck. Bathe forehead with spirits of camphor and cologne. Apply mustard leaf to nape of neck, or cayenne pepper plaster. Five grains carbonate of soda every two or three hours.

Heart.—When violent and throbbing, two drops of aconite tincture every half hour until relieved. Mustard plaster over heart, also to neck. When very weak from accident, fright, loss of blood, etc., brandy and wine. Nitrate of amyl, five drops placed on handkerchief, and inhaled a few minutes. Large poultice applied to heart region. Hot applications to calves of legs and soles of feet.

Hiccough.—Teaspoonful of mustard in four ounces of boiling water, taken when cool; or three drops each tincture camphor and aqua ammonia in wineglass of water.

Incontinence of Urine, "Bed Wetting."—Ten drops tincture belladonna three times a day. The child should drink but little some hours before going to bed, and should be wakened in the middle of the night to pass water.

Itching of the Skin.—Dust parts with mixture of equal parts borax, camphor and bismuth.

Jaundice.—In attacks lasting three or four days take one-third grain of gray powder (mercury and chalk) three or four times a day for three days, then take seidlitz powder, or take twenty drops nitro-muriatic acid in wineglass of water three times a day.

Leucorrhea, Whites.—Alum, teaspoonful to pint of water as injection or teaspoonful of carbonate of soda, two ounces, tincture belladonna, water one pint, and give tincture chloride of iron, ten drops three times a day.

Lead Colic.—Bicarbonate of magnesia, fifteen to twenty grains three times a day, or iodide of potash, three grains every three hours.

Loins, Pains in.—-Apply belladonna or capsicum plaster to small of back; also useful when pain is due to uterine disease or piles.

Lumbago.—A mixture of ice and salt applied to small of back, or back to be ironed, a piece of brown paper intervening. Give ten grains saltpetre every two hours, or turpentine in fifteen-drop doses every three hours. Apply poultices very hot, then cover skin with flannel and oiled silk.

Malaria.—Give one grain of quinine every three hours for several days; then, five drops of Fowler's solution three times a day for about two weeks.

Measles.—Give two drops tincture of aconite every two hours, after carbonate of ammonia three grains every three hours. Rub hands and feet with fat to remove heat and tightness produced by rash. Keep child in dark room. Warm mustard bath if rash recedes. Give nitre water as drink.

Mumps.—Keep jaws warm with poultices or fomentations, and give half grain of gray powder every two or three hours to hasten the reduction of swelling.

Nervousness.—Three grains bromide of potash every three or four hours, or elixir valerianate of ammonia, half teaspoonful every three or four hours.

Neuralgia.—Aconite or belladonna ointment applied to painful part, or a strong infusion of cayenne pepper applied on lint, or a blister to the part.

Nipples, Sore.—Alum to harden nipples, or brandy and water, and washed off before child nurses. If cracked, apply glycerine with starch, or arnica ointment.

Palpitation.—Give two grains camphor every two or three hours, or two drops aconite every hour. Place feet in hot mustard bath.

Peritonitis.—Apply turpentine stupes to abdomen. Cover abdomen with large poultice.

Pleurisy.—Apply poultices as hot as can be borne to chest and side. Keep body warm. Give two drops tincture aconite every hour.

Piles.—Apply bromide potash, one part; glycerine, five parts. Keep bowels soft, inject half a pint of water before going to stool each morning. Take about ten grains of rhubarb on going to bed.

Pneumonia.—Give two drops tincture belladonna every hour. Apply hot mustard poultice to chest, or pack the chest with cloths wrung out of ice water, and renewed every hour.


(Rhus Toxicodendron.)

Description.—It is called mercury vine in some localities. It has leaves of three leaflets, which are ovate and variously notched; its flowers are in loose, slender panicles; the smooth fruit is pale brown. The plant is so acrimonious that the touching of the leaves, or rubbing them on the skin, occasions itching, and erysipelatous inflammation and eruption.

It is found nearly all over the country, especially in moist and shady places. When bruised, it exudes a milky juice, which becomes black upon exposure to the air.

Symptoms.—The juice applied to the skin produces inflammation and vesication, and the same poisonous property is possessed by a volatile principle which escapes from the plant itself, and produces in certain persons, when they come into its vicinity, an exceedingly troublesome inflammation, particularly of the face. Itching, redness, a sense of burning, tumefaction, vesication, and ultimate desquamation, are some of the attendants of this poisonous action. The swelling of the face is sometimes so great as almost entirely to obliterate the features. Some persons coming within its influence are much more apt to be affected with the poison, and generally suffer more severely than others. With some the whole body is sometimes enormously swollen, and the patient, for many days, scarcely able to move. The effects are experienced soon after exposure, and usually begin to decline within a week.

Uses.—The leaves, when taken internally, promote the secretions of the skin and kidneys. It has been used in paralysis with marked success. It is employed by homeopathists both externally and internally in rheumatism, and as an external application in affections of the skin, and as a liniment in sprains, the stings of insects, and so forth.

Treatment.—A light, cooling diet, with saline purgatives, as seidlitz powders, rochelle salts, and so forth, with the application of cold lead-water, made in the proportion of two drachms of sugar of lead with half an ounce of laudanum, to half pint of water, and applied by means of cloths, are useful remedies. Tincture of lobelia, a saturated solution of which applied by means of linen or muslin cloths, arrests the inflammation. Our own experience with the following formulas has been most satisfactory, rarely failing to relieve the inflammation, and hastening its abatement.

Rx.---Precipitated carbonate of zinc... 4 drachms
      Oxide of zinc ............ 2 "
      Glycerine ................ 2 "
      Rose water ............... 8 ounces
Rx.---Zinci carb. precip ....... (dr)iv
      Zinci oxide .............. (dr)ij
      Glycerinae ............... (dr)ij
      Aq. rosae ................ (oz)viij
Make a lotion, and apply locally. Mft. Lotion; apply to part affected.

Rx.---Resorcin ................. 1 drachm
      Oxide of zinc ............ 1 "
      Ointment of rose water .. 10 drachms
Rx.---Resorcin ................. (dr)j
      Zinci oxid ............... (dr)j
      Vug. aq. rosae ........... (dr)x
Apply to part affected when inflammation somewhat subsides. Mft. Apply to affected part after inflammation somewhat subsides.

Quinsy.—Give one drop tincture of aconite every fifteen minutes for two hours, and then every hour, and teaspoonful of tincture of cayenne pepper to half a pint of water as a gargle every two hours.

Rheumatism.—Acid steam bath relieves pain and checks perspiration. Drink freely of lemon juice. Hot applications with laudanum to joints. If fever, two or three drops of tincture of aconite every hour or two.

Ringworm.—Apply a strong solution of bluestone.

Rupture.—Place patient in hot bath to relax muscles; then on bed with legs drawn up, and kept in this position until assistance arrives.

Scarlet Fever.—One drop tincture of aconite every hour with five drops sweet spirits of nitre. Two grains carbonate of ammonia every three hours first day or two when skin is hot and red, cold effusion. Rub hands and feet with sweet oil to remove heat and tightness produced by rash, or anoint the whole body two or three times a day. Ice to be constantly sucked. If rash recedes, hot mustard bath.

Sciatica.—Apply belladonna ointment to seat of pain. Poultices applied very hot. Sulphur applied to painful part is very effective, after which the limb or part should be enveloped in flannel.

Scrofula.—Apply iodine ointment to swellings, and give ten grains of sulphide of calcium after meals, also cod-liver oil.

Scurvy.—Use vinegar and lemons freely, also fruits and vegetables. Diluted alcohol as a gargle.

Sea-sickness.—Drop doses of chloroform every fifteen minutes. Ice bag to spine and mustard to pit of stomach.

Small-pox.—Cotton wool cut in proper shapes, and dipped in lime liniment, and applied to neck and face to prevent pitting. If rash recedes apply the wet pack.

Sneezing.—In incessant sneezing with profuse running from eyes and nose, powdered camphor should be sniffed.

Sprain.—Apply the cold douche with salt added, afterward turpentine liniment.

Swimming in the Head.—Apply directly to top of head the following solution: Strong hartshorn, two ounces; common salt, two ounces; alcohol, four teaspoonfuls; water, thirty ounces; to be applied every ten or fifteen minutes with sponge until relieved.

Tetanus.—If symptoms of, from stepping on rusty nail, pin, and go forth, apply piece of fat bacon, covered with borax, to foot.

Thrush.—Use a wash composed of one part borax and two of honey, applied frequently to parts.

Toothache.—Apply two or three drops of chloroform, or oil of cloves, on cotton wool to part; rinse mouth thoroughly with hot water.

Typhoid Fever.—Aconite tincture two drops every hour, with ten drops sweet spirits of nitre.

Vomiting.—Acid of lemons. Six-grain doses of alum every hour or two. Mustard, with white of egg, applied to pit of stomach. Lime water and milk. Ice bag to pit of stomach,

Waterbrash.—Give three drops of dilute hydrochloric acid before each meal.

Whooping-cough.—Two grains of alum in honey every two hours. Make an infusion of red clover blossoms—dried, two ounces—steeped in a pint of boiling water for four hours, and give a wineglassful occasionally through the day.

Worms.—Santonin, two grains; castor oil, one ounce; of this give child teaspoonful three or four times a day.

Wounds.—Carbolic acid, twenty drops; sweet oil, one ounce; apply to part affected, or apply ice and salt to prevent inflammation, or fat bacon Sprinkled with baking soda.

Wounds, Clean-cut.—Clean the wound and remove clots of blood, grains of sand or dirt, and so forth, and bring edges together with strips of adhesive plaster, and apply only compresses wet with water, renewed frequently.

Wounds, Torn or Crushed.—Cleanse the wound thoroughly with warm water, and use as a dressing solution of sugar of lead, two teaspoonfuls; alcohol, three teaspoonfuls, and six ounces of water. Keep wet with this every half hour.

Wound of an Artery.—If the point from which the blood spouts can be seen, simply place the finger firmly upon it and keep it there until assistance arrives; or tie a handkerchief or bandage around the injured limb, between the injury and the body, so as to stop the circulation. Place ice upon the wound.

Wounds of the Scalp.—Sponge it to clear it of all blood or dirt, and when bleeding has ceased, bring its edges together with small strips of plaster. Apply a light pad soaked in cold water, and renew same every little while.


Abdomen, swelling of; picking at the nose; itching about the anus: grinding of teeth in sleep—Worms.

Acid belching; heart-burn; nausea; water-brash; sinking at pit of stomach; sense of fullness or weight in the stomach; loss of appetite—Dyspepsia.

Ague cake; pain in right side under the ribs; a small lump can be felt in this region; constipated bowels; feeling of debility; headache— Intermittent Fever.

Alcoholism; tremors; loss of appetite; bitter eructations; headache; dropsy; pain at pit of stomach— See Gold Cure, page 1342.

Anasarca; swelling of the ankles and face; pitting when these are pressed upon; shortness of breath— Dropsy.

Anginosa scarlatina; fever; scarlet flush; second day on face, neck and throat; sore throat— Scarlet Fever.

Anus, prolapsus of; protrusion of the bowel; great pain and tenderness; fever; restlessness— Prolapsus ani.

Aphthae; small whitish specks in mouth; headache and feverish symptoms— Sore Mouth.

Arsenic, poisoning by; burning in stomach and bowels; vomiting; diarrhoea; convulsions; cramps; clammy sweats— Poisons and Antidotes.

Aura epileptica; a peculiar sound; frothing at mouth; insensibility; convulsions— Epilepsy.

Back, pain in; pain in lower part of back; fever; alternate of flushes, hot and cold; pain and swelling of feet and limbs— Rheumatism.

Bed-wetting; debility; swelling of abdomen; circles under the eyes; slight fever— Incontinence of Urine.

Bilious headache; constipation; bitter taste; coated tongue; belching of gas and food— Liver Complaint.

Bloody flux; fever; mucous or blood passages; swelling and tenderness of bowels— Dysentery.

Bowels confined; irregular action of the bowels; one day costive; next relaxed; pain in side; coated tongue; headache— Liver Complaint.

Bowels relaxed; griping pains in stomach; sometimes twisting; coated tongue; fever; headache; tenderness of stomach— Diarrhoea.

Bowels (infantile) relaxed; great pain; feverishness and thirst; head hot; tenderness of abdomen— Cholera Infantum.

Bowels, costiveness of; vomiting; tenderness; pain; thirst; quick and high pulse— Inflammation of Bowels.

Bowels, burning pain of; cold, clammy skin; small, weak pulse; collapse; vomiting— Cholera.

Brain, affection of; headache; giddiness; intolerance of light; fever; constipation; grinding of teeth— Meningitis.

Breath, shortness of; breathing noisy and labored; wheezing; cough; flushed face and eyes— Asthma..

Breath offensive; constipation; headache; pain in head and right shoulder— Liver Complaint.

Breath, shortness of; cough; bleeding of nose; strong pulse; headache; ringing in ears; intolerance of light; palpitation; pain in chest— Heart Disease.

Breathing difficult; increased by movement of any kind; violent palpitation; suffocation; hard pulse— Heart Disease.

Breathing labored; faintness; coldness of skin; bloody passages; small, feeble pulse; thirst— Cholera.

Breathing oppressed; red and swollen tonsils; great pain in swallowing; fever; restlessness; dry tongue and throat— Quinsy.

Breathing, husky; loss of sensation and motion; hard, full pulse; flushed face— Apoplexy.

Chest, contraction of; short and dry cough; hectic fever; night sweats; general debility; loss of appetite; wasting constipation; swelling of limbs— Consumption.

Chest, distress of; shortness of breath; cough; fever; tongue coated white; vomiting; skin hot and dry; pulse full— Bronchitis.

Chills, followed by violent pain in abdomen, increased by the slightest pressure, even the bed-clothes; nausea; dry tongue; full, hard pulse— Peritonitis.

Chills, with lancinating pain on one side of the chest; dry cough; Short breathing; difficulty of lying on affected side— Pleurisy.

Chill, followed with pain; shortness of breath; pulse quick and hard; pain, aggravated by cough— Pneumonia.

Chill, followed by swelling of throat and tonsils; headache; fever; pulse high; hoarseness; skin dry— Diphtheria.

Chill, followed by thick, ashy color of throat; vomiting; diarrhoea; great prostration; spasmodic cough—Malignant Diphtheria.

Chill, followed by sore throat; intense headache; pain in chest; nausea; scarlet rash in about forty-eight hours, face, neck, throat and limbs— Scarlet Fever.

Chill, followed by watery eyes; headache; vomiting; rash in at end of fourth day; diarrhoea; nausea— Measles.

Chill, followed by tongue and teeth coated with a dark, brown fur; headache; vomiting; pain at pit of stomach; clammy perspiration— Typhus Fever.

Chill, followed by slight prostration; pain in head and limbs; skin hot and dry; pulse rapid; temperature high— Typhoid Fever.

Cold limbs; headache; pain on pressure of spine; small of back; want of exertion; sleeplessness— Spinal Disease.

Consciousness, complete loss of; muscles are rigid and remain in any position placed; a sudden suspension of the action of the senses and of volition— Catalepsy.

Cough; hard, oppressed breathing; headache; vomiting; dry cough; fever; harsh skin— Bronchitis.

Cough, quick; hot skin; pain in shoulder blade and breast; headache; expectoration of bloody mucus; difficult breathing— Pneumonia.

Cough, simple, with slight pain in chest and hoarseness— Bronchitis.

Cough, spasmodic; pain in chest; night sweats; flush of face; emaciation; fever— Consumption.

Cough, irritating; pain in head, with discharge from nostrils; husky voice; fever and general debility— Catarrh.

Cough, with sneezing; running from nose and eyes; fever; followed by an eruption in four days— Measles.

Diarrhoea; violent pain at navel; bowels hot and tender to pressure; a blue line on gums— Painters' Colic.

Delirium at onset; coldness of body and limbs; great nausea and thirst; intense pain in head; spots on body; bleeding at touch— Spotted Fever.

Diarrhoea; profuse and prostrating; faintness; cold, clammy skin; vomiting; small pulse— Cholera.

Digestion difficult; furred tongue; great loss of appetite; night sweats; fever morning and evening; cold extremities— Consumption.

Delirium, with flushed face; whites of eyes and skin yellow in color; great thirst; tongue coated white; burning pain at pit of stomach; pain of limbs— Yellow Fever.

Dizziness, with constipation; pain in right side and shoulder; tongue coated; slight fever— Liver Complaint.

Ears, ringing in; violent pain in head, with redness of eyes; flushing of face; fever; constipation; delirium— Meningitis.

Eruptions, slightly red; not regular in shape; more or less itching; first on neck and breast, then on legs and arms; headache and slight nausea— Chicken-pox.

Eruption, after fourth day, similar to flea bites; sore throat; hard, dry cough; running of eyes and nose— Measles.

Extremities clammy; with chill; body hot; soreness of limbs; headache— Typhoid Fever.

Face; small, weak pulse; face livid; fever; restlessness; great pain in head— Apoplexy.

Face, great redness of; watery eyes; great pain in head; full, hard pulse; extreme restlessness— Meningitis.

Fever, in which a rash appears in about seventy-two hours, which are irregular shaped vesicles— Chicken-pox.

Fever, in which the rash appears in about four days, with running of the eyes and nose; fever; cough— Measles.

Fever, in which the rash appears as a scarlet flush on the second day, sore throat; fever; headache— Scarlet Fever.

Fever; sore throat; chill; dry mouth; aching limbs— Diphtheria.

Fever, with difficult breathing; restlessness; pain in throat; fever; full pulse— Croup.

Flatulence; acrid belching; loss of appetite; nausea; coated tongue; constipation; heart-burn— Dyspepsia.

Foot; a sharp, burning lancinating pain of heel or great toe; especially about the joint, followed by chill and some fever— Gout.

Giddiness, with difficult breathing; palpitation; full, hard pulse; sometimes bleeding from nose— Heart Disease.

Griping pain, especially in neighborhood of the navel, with vomiting and costiveness; the pain increasing at intervals— Colic.

Hoarseness, with difficult breathing; hard, dry cough; fever; headache— Bronchitis.

Hoarseness; with hot skin; hard pulse; which symptoms increase toward evening; fever— Croup.

Headache, with intense pain in back of neck, followed by a rash; vomiting and chill— Cerebro-spinal Meningitis.

Headache; with pain directly on top of head; nausea; vomiting; cold limbs; tenderness of lower portion of spine— Spine Disease.

Headache; vomiting; with an eruption of vesicles appearing on the third or fifth day; great pain in back and limbs; fever— Small-pox.

Headache; with pain in side and right shoulder; yellowishness of eyes; constipation; headache— Liver Complaint.

Headache; with an eruption appearing on second day; characterized by scarlet flush; sore throat; fever— Scarlet Fever.

Headache; with an eruption of irregular vesicles; slight fever— Chicken-pox.

Headache; with an inflammatory redness of skin; pain of a burning, lancinating character— Erysipelas.

Headache; with lassitude; fever; a slight eruption on surface of bowels— Typhoid Fever.

Heart-burn; griping pains; belching of gases; retching; vomiting; tenderness at pit of stomach— Cholera Morbus.

Head; with flushing of face; intolerance of light; quick, hard pulse; vomiting— Meningitis.

Heart; difficulty in breathing; pain in chest; cold and clammy perspiration— Heart Disease.

Heart; sharp lancinating pain in left arm and breast; oppressed breathing— Angina Pectoris.

Heart; feeling of suffocation; which is increased on exertion of any kind; quick pulse— Heart Disease.

Inflammation of any portion of body; with burning tenderness; shiny appearance; headache and nausea— Erysipelas.

Itching at the nose and in the neighborhood of anus; swelling of abdomen; offensive breath; grinding of teeth in sleep— Worms.

Itching; with small flea-bite patches; fever; constipation and slight nausea— Shingles.

Itching at the anus; with at times the discharge of a small quantity of blood; fullness of the parts; with pain in limbs— Piles.

Itching; with patches of rough, amorphous scales; skin often chappy — Scabies or Itch.

Joint, pain in knee or ankle; tenderness of hip and surrounding parts; fever— Hip Disease.

Joints—excruciating pain of the fibrous portion of the joint of great toe; headache; fever— Gout.

Joints—fever; swelling of joints in different portions of body; acid perspiration; pain much increased at night— Rheumatism.

Joints—pain, excited by the slightest touch; fever; headache; pain shifting in character— Neuralgia.

Kidney, with pain extending to abdomen, groin and thighs; constant desire to urinate; scalding urine; headache; fever; hard pulse— Gravel.

Kidney—chilliness; nausea; vomiting; pain in'back and limbs; puffy face and eyelids; fever— Bright's Disease.

Kidney—tenderness of small of back; fever; pain of lumbar region; headache; nausea— Kidney Disease.

Kidney—loss of flesh; excessive urination; excessive appetite; tongue glazed and furrowed; mouth clammy; diarrhoea; failure of sexual and mental powers— Diabetes.

Muscles, stiffness of the jaws; rigidity of muscles; arching of the body upon the neck and heels; respiration very difficult; chewing of food impossible— Tetanus.

Muscles, great pain of, which is of a darting, shooting or lancinating character, without inflammation— Neuralgia.

Muscles, very rigid, with loss of consciousness; the limbs retain position in which they are placed— Catalepsy.

Muscles, slightly rigid; a morbid excitability of the whole nervous system; alternate laughing and crying— Hysteria.

Nausea, with vomiting; abdominal pain and tenderness, increased by movements; constipation; fever; rapid pulse; sleeplessness; collapse— Peritonitis.

Nausea, with vomiting of greenish matter; headache; constipation; yellow skin; hard pulse— Liver Complaint.

Nausea, with difficult breathing; high temperature; full pulse; headache; dark, brown tongue— Typhoid Fever.

Nausea, with hard abdomen; pain relieved by pressure; obstinate constipation; blue line along edge of gums— Painters' Colic.

Nausea, with vomiting; rejection of food; languor; debility; sometimes stupor; head hot; abdomen swollen; coldness of extremities— Cholera Infantum.

Nose, inflammation of; discharge of mucus, of an acrid character; running of eyes; high fever; headache; pain in limbs; full, hard pulse— La Grippe.

Nose, copious discharge from; sneezing; cough; tightness of chest; fever; headache; running of eyes— Hay Fever.

Nose, offensive discharge; pain of forehead; huskiness of voice; sore throat— Catarrh.

Pain in back and at lower part of abdomen; frequent desire to pass water; nausea; anxiety; cold perspiration; burning in the urethra— Inflammation of the Bladder.

Pain, with frequent desire to pass water, of a scanty, reddish character; constipation; headache— Kidney Disease.

Pain in right shoulder and side; headache; vomiting of greenish matter; nausea; coated tongue; urine scanty and high colored— Liver Complaint.

Pain in paroxysms; sometimes very severe; throbbing and lancinating in character, coming and going— Neuralgia.

Pain over lumbar region or small of back; scalding urine; frequent desire to urinate; headache; nausea; fever— Gravel.

Pain, with fullness and heat in nostrils; acrid discharge; sore throat; dry cough; loss of appetite; languor— Catarrh.

Pain and tenderness of bowels; constipation; quick pulse; thirst; high-colored urine— Peritonitis.

Pain of great toe and ankle; shivering, followed by fever; headache— Gout.

Pain of left side; suffocation; palpitation; difficulty of breathing; hard full pulse; headache— Heart Disease.

Pain running down arm; over heart; heart pang; clammy perspiration; coldness; headache— Angina Pectoris.

Pain of throat; difficulty in swallowing; tonsils inflamed; thirst; fever; headache— Quinsy.

Pain; with redness and swelling of joints; acid perspiration; pain increases at night; headache; fever— Rheumatism.

Pain in head and back; fever; furred tongue; vomiting from nine to twelve days after exposure— Small-pox.

Pains; griping; with straining and purging of green or yellowish matter; very offensive; great thirst; fever and headache— Cholera Morbus.

Pain; with cough; loss of appetite and flesh; night sweats; difficult breathing— Consumption.

Pain of a lancinating character; forepart of breast; thirst; difficult breathing; headache; hard pulse— Pleurisy.

Pain; dull in character but deep seated; cough; bloody expectorations; hot skin; great thirst; hard full pulse— Pneumonia.

Pain; deep seated in hip, knee and ankle; until suppuration takes place — Hip Disease.

Pains; similar to rheumatism; with ulcers or sores on different parts of the body— Syphilis.

Pain in back of neck and head; intense headache; nausea; vomiting; rapid pulse; neck becomes rigid; slight eruption on breast— Cerebro-spinal Meningitis.

Pain of a lancinating, gnawing, burning character; terminating in an ulcerous sore— Cancer.

Pain in head; coldness of skin; giddiness; weak pulse; constipation; flushed face— Apoplexy.

Palpitation of- heart; pulsations stronger and more extensive; increased on motion; bounding pulse— Heart Disease.

Perspiration; clammy; nausea; oppressed breathing; tongue and teeth covered with a dark fur— Typhus Fever.

Pimples in small patches in different parts of the body— Shingles.

Pimples; small wheals with white top, surrounded by diffuse redness, excite considerable itching— Hives.

Respiration; cough; oppressed breathing; fever; pain in chest and throat— Bronchitis.

Bulging in ears; palpitation of the heart; shortness of breath; cough; bleeding from the nose— Heart Disease.

Side, pain in; forepart of breast and extending to shoulder blade; chill; followed by heat and thirst— Pleurisy.

Skin and eyes turning yellow; with hot skin; flushed face; white tongue; nausea; vomiting; burning thirst; pain in stomach— Yellow Fever.

Skin; hot; hoarseness increasing toward night; fever; headache; full pulse— Croup.

Skin, redness of; shivering and nausea; headache; fever; hard pulse — Erysipelas.

Skin; smooth; glossy and pitting under pressure; fever; constipation — Dropsy.

Skin; yellow; coated tongue; pain in right side and shoulder; headache— Liver Complaint.

Skin; dark red; over a bleb filled with a bloody fluid, under which a small induration is formed— Carbuncle.

Skin; kernels under; which thicken, inflame and discharge a thick secretion— Scrofula.

Skin; yellow colored; urine staining linen; whites of eyes tinged yellow; white tongue; bitter taste; fever— Jaundice.

Stomach, burning pain in; with great tenderness; great thirst; fever; hard full pulse; headache; whites of eyes and skin yellow in color— Yellow Fever.

Stomach, oppression at pit of; headache; yellow skin and eyes; constipation— Liver Complaint.

Stomach, burning of; chills; followed by fever; high pulse; constipation; scanty urine— Congestive Chills.

Sneezing; cough and difficult breathing; discharge from nostrils; headache— Hay Fever.

Sore throat; nausea; vomiting; headache; chills and shivering; with rash in forty-eight hours— Scarlet Fever.

Sore throat; fever; chill; aching of limbs; dryness of mouth and throat; high fever— Diphtheria.

Sore throat; rough dry cough; discharge from eyes and nose; followed on fourth day by an eruption resembling flea-bites— Measles.

Sores, ulcers, on various parts of the body, of a copper color, sometimes scaly— Syphilis.

Speech, loss of or incoherent; dizziness, followed by stertorous breathing and stupor; finally unconsciousness— Apoplexy.

Sleeplessness; headache; pain and tenderness upon pressure of lower part of spine; cold feet; chills and flushes— Spinal Disease.

Swelling of hip, knee or ankle, with severe pain, which lasts until suppuration takes place— Hip Disease.

Swelling of different parts of body; puffiness of lower eyelids; tenderness of small of back; high-colored urine; dry skin; quick pulse— Bright's Disease.

Swelling, harder than a boil, with purple-colored skin— Carbuncle.

Swelling of the glands, which become inflamed and discharge a yellowish, cheesy concretion— Scrofula.

Swelling on front of neck; causing headache; flushing, with shooting pains through the swelling— Goitre.

Swelling, distinguished by leaving for some time the indentation of the finger; skin smooth and glossy— Dropsy.

Tongue red, with small sores of a whitish color in mouth; offensive breath— Thrush.

Tongue white; cough; difficult breathing; pain in chest; fever; headache— Bronchitis.

Tongue white; pain in head, back, side and right shoulder; constipation; headache; thirst; nausea; vomiting— Liver Complaint.

Tongue covered with a dark-brown fur; nausea; headache; clammy perspiration— Typhus Fever.

Ulcer; ragged, painful edges, with discharge of an offensive matter; sometimes bloody— Cancer.

Ulcer; inflammation of throat; offensive breath; small pulse; difficulty in breathing— -Diphtheria.

Urine, frequent desire to pass; burning pain at bottom of abdomen; nausea and vomiting— Inflammation of the Bladder.

Urine; highly colored; scanty; nausea; furred tongue; yellow skin and eyes; cough; pain in right side and shoulder— Liver Complaint.

Urine, yellow; staining linen; clay-colored stools; yellow tinge to skin and whites of eyes— Jaundice.

Urine, deep red; frequent desire to pass; scalding sensation; constipation; pain in lower part of back— Kidney Disease.

Urine, high colored, albuminous, causing a cloudy appearance; dropsy; headache; puffiness of eyelids; fever— Bright's Disease.

Vesicles, transparent, containing a thin serum, with more or less itching— Chicken-pox.

Vomiting, green-yellowish colored bile; griping pains; great thirst; headache— Cholera Morbus.

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Last Modified: Monday, 13-May-2013 15:31:47 EDT