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N. B.—For Terms not given here consult the Index to this Volume and the larger Dictionaries.
Abdomen. The belly. Ablution. Washing. Abnormal. Unnatural. Abortion. The expulsion of a child from the womb before it is fully developed. Abscess. A pus cavity. Absorbent. A medicine which takes up acidity from the bowels and stomach. Acidify. Sourness. Acrid. Bitter, pungent. Acute. Severe and sudden (of a disease). Adhesive. Sticking, uniting. Adjuvant. A medicine added to a prescription to assist the action of the other medicines. Adult. A person of full growth. Affection. Disease, sickness. Affusion. The action of pouring a liquid upon any body. Aliment. Food, nourishment. Alimentary. Capable of affording nourishment. Alkali. A substance, like soda, which can destroy acidity. Alluvial. Belonging to soil formed by deposits of mud, etc. Alterative. A medicine which effects a beneficial change in the system. Alveole. A tooth-socket. Alvine. Relating to the intestines. Amputation. The operation of cutting off a limb or part of a limb. Amylaceous. Containing starch. Anemia. Privation of blood. Anesthesia. Privation of sensation. Anesthetic. A medicine that deprives of sensation. Analysis. The resolving of anything into its component parts. Anastomosis. Communication between two vessels. Anodyne. A medicine which relieves pain. Antacid. A medicine which counteracts acidity. Antaphrodisiac. A medicine which cools the animal passions. Anthelmintic. A medicine or other remedy for worms. Antibilious. That which counteracts biliousness. Antidote. A remedy which counteracts the effects of poisons. Antimorbific. That which opposes disease. Antiperiodic. remedy for periodical disease. Antiscorbutic. A remedy for scurvy. Antiseptic. That which resists putrefaction. Antispasmodic. A remedy for spasms. |
Antisyphilitic. A remedy for syphilis. Aperient. A medicine which opens the bowels gently. Aphthous. Pertaining to sore mouth. Apnea. Absence of breathing. Apparatus. A set of implements for some special use. Areola. The colored circle surrounding the nipple or surrounding sores. Aroma. Intense perfume, odor. Arthritic. Relating to inflammation of the joints. Articulated. Jointed. Asphyxia. Suspended animation. Aspirate. To breathe roughly. Assimilation. The act of taking proper nutriment from food into the system. Asthmatic. Subject to asthma. Asthenia. Weakness. Astringent. Contracting, counteracting looseness. Atrophy. A wasting of strength and flesh. Auditory. Relating to hearing. Auricle. 1. The outer ear. 2. A cavity of the heart. Auscultation. Listening to the sounds in the chest to detect symptoms of disease. Autopsy. Examination of a corpse. Axillary. Relating to the arm-pit. Balsamic. A medicine for healing. Bifurcation. Branching into two. Bile. The fluid secreted by the liver, Bilious. Having an excess of bile. Bronchia. A branch of the windpipe. Bursa. A sac. Cachexia. A bad condition of the system. Cacum. The blind gut. Calcareous. Containing lime. Calisthenics. Light gymnastics. Calculus. A concretion in the excretory organs, as a stone in the bladder. Callus. The hard matter formed about the fractures of bones. Canthrus. The corner of the eye. Capillary. Hair-like; used especially of the small veins. Capsule. A gelatinous case for enclosing a dose of unpleasant medicine. Cardiac. Relating to the heart. Carminative. A medicine which expels the wind from the bowels. Carpus. The wrist. Cartilage. Gristle. |
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Catalysis. Paralysis. Catamenia. The monthly courses of women. Cataplasm. A poultice. Catarrh. Unnatural discharge from a mucous membrane. Cathartic. A medicine which opens the bowels freely. Catheter. A hollow tube for drawing off the urine. Caustic. A substance which burns living tissues. Cauterise. To apply caustic. Cellular. Composed of cells. Cerebellum. The lower part of the brain. Cerebrum. The upper part of the brain. Cerumen. A wax-like secretion as the wax of the ear. Cervical. Pertaining to the neck. Cervix. A neck, or the neck. Cesspool. A privy. Chalybeate. Containing iron. Chancre. The sore of syphilis. Cholagogue. A medicine which increases the flow of bile. Choleric. Pertaining to bile. Chronic Disease. A protracted, slow disease. Chyle. The liquid formed from food by digestion. Chyme. The pulp formed from food by the gastric Juice. Cicatrix. The scar from a wound. Climacteric. Puberty and change of life are the climacteric periods. Clinical. Pertaining to the bed. Clonic. Irregular, convulsive. Clyster. An enema, an injection. Coagulate. To change from a liquid to a denser state. Coalesce. To adhere. Collapse. Complete breaking down. Colliquative. Dissolving, applied to sweats and discharges which exhaust the system. Collyrium. A medicine applied to the eye. Colon. A portion of the large intestine. Coma. A condition of profound sleep. Comatose. In a state of coma. Combustion. Burning. Concretion. A hardened mass made up of gathered particles. Condiment. An article used to make food more savory. Condyle. A prominence of the joints. Congenital. Born with a person. Congestion. Accumulation of blood in a part. Conjunctiva. A mucous membrane of the eye. Constipation. Insufficient expulsion of the excrement. Constriction. A narrowing or contraction. Contagion. A disease caught by contact. Contamination. Pollution. Contusion. A bruise. Convalescence. Condition of recovery after a sickness. Convoluted. Rolled one part on another. Cordial. A strengthening, inspiriting medicine. Coriaceous. Leather-like, elastic and tough. Corrective. A substance added to a medicine to modify its action. Corroborant. A tonic. Corrosive. A substance which disintegrates living tissue. |
Cosmetics. Substances used to beautify the complexion. Costiveness. Same as constipation. Counter-irritant. A medicine which relieves irritation in one organ by increasing it in another. Cranium. The skull. Crassamentum. The thick part of the blood. Crepitas. Abrupt, harsh sound. Crisis. The turning point of a disease. Cutaneous. Pertaining to the skin. Cyst. A sac or pouch. Decoction. A medicine made by boiling some substance in water. Decomposition. Decay. Dejection. A fecal discharge. Delirium. A wandering of the mind. Demulcent. A medicine which removes the pain of wounded or diseased parts. Dentition. Teething. Deobstruent. A medicine which removes obstructions from the passages of the body. Deplete. To empty. Depuration. Cleansing from impurities. Desiccate. To become dry. Desquamation. Scaling. Detergent. A medicine that cleanses wounds, etc. Determination. Strong direction toward some point. Diagnosis. The distinguishing of one disease from another. Diaphragm. The muscular partition between the thorax and the cavity of the abdomen. Diathesis. Natural disposition of the system. Dilatation. The act of dilating. Diluent. A liquid used to dilute and weaken a medicine. Discutient. A remedy for resolving or forcing back swellings. Disinfectant. A substance which destroys the germs of disease in the air. Dislocation. Throwing out of the natural position. Distention. A stretching and expanding. Distillation. The process of converting a fluid to a vapor, and then reducing it again to its first form. Diuresis. Excretion of the urine. Diuretic. A medicine which promotes the flow of urine. Domestic. Belonging to the home. Dorsal. Pertaining to the back. Drastic. A medicine which acts powerfully. Duodenum. The first of the small intestines. Dyspnea. Difficulty of breathing. Dysuria. Difficulty in evacuating the urine. Ecstasy. Excessive excitement; loss of mental control. Edema. A swelling filled with fluid. Effete. Worn out, exhausted. Effluvia. Invisible exhalations from bodies. Efflux. A flowing out. Effusion. The escape or the secretion of fluids. Electuary. A medicine whose ingredients are mixed with a syrup. Eliminate. To strike out, to throw out. Emaciation. The state of being thin and weak. Emesis. Vomiting. |
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Emetic. A medicine which causes vomiting. Emmenagogue. A medicine which promotes the menstrual flow. Emollient. An external application to allay irritation. Emphysema. A swelling produced by air in the tissues. Empirical. Depending upon experiment, wanting in science. Empyema. A collection of blood, pus, etc. Emulsion. A milk mixture containing oil, water and mucilage. Endemic. A disease peculiar to a people or nation. Endermically. Through the skin. Enema. An injection. Engorgement. Overfullness or obstruction of a vessel. Enteric. Belonging to the intestines. Ephemera. A fever of one day's continuance. Epidemic. Prevalent among the people. Epidermis. The outer skin. Epigastrium. The upper part of the abdomen. Epiglottis. The membrane covering the gullet. Epispastic. An external application to the skin. Epistaxis. Bleeding from the nose. Epithelium. The layer of cells which covers many of the membranes. Erosion. An eating or wearing away. Eructation. The act of belching. Eruption. A disease of the skin. Erysipelatous. Pertaining to erysipelas. Erythematic. Causing a morbid redness of the skin. Eschar. A dry slough or scurf. Esophagus. The gullet. Etiology. The branch of medicine which treats of the causes of disease. Eustachian Tube. The inner channel of the ear. Evacuant. A medicine which promotes evacuations of the bowels. Evacuation. Movement of the bowels. Exacerbation. A periodical increase of violence in a disease. Excitant. A medicine which arouses the vital activity of the body. Excoriated. Galled, abraded. Excrement. Matter ejected from the bowels. Excrescence. An unnatural appendage, as a wart or bunion. Excretion. Excrement. Exfoliation. The scaling off of a bone. Exhalation. That which is breathed out; that which rises as a vapor. Expectorate. To spit or cough out from the bronchial apparatus. Expectorant. A medicine which promotes discharges from the throat or lungs. Expiration. A breathing out. Extravasation. The act of forcing a fluid out of its proper vessels. Extremities. Used to designate the hands and feet. Exudation. Sweating, a discharge of moisture. Feces. Excrement. Feculent. Pertaining to feces. Farinaceous. Containing or composed of flour. Fascia. The thin covering of the muscles. Fauces. The back part of the mouth. Faucet. A fixture for drawing liquor from a vessel. |
Febrifuge. A remedy for fever. Febrile. Pertaining to fever. Ferruginous. Containing or made of iron. Fetid. Having an offensive smell. Fetor. An offensive smell. Fibrine. An elastic, whitish, tough substance found in organic matter. Filtration. The act of passing through a filter, Fistula. A deep, narrow, chronic abscess. Flaccid. Lax, soft, flabby. Flashing-Point. The temperature at which gas from an oil will ignite if brought in contact with a flame. Flatulence. The state of having wind on the stomach. Flatus. Wind generated in the stomach. Flocculent. Adhering in flakes. Fetus. The young in the womb. Flushing. Cleansing by a sudden rush of water. Flux. Flow. Follicle. A gland, a cavity. Fomentation. A warm lotion applied to ease pain. Foramen. A little opening, a perforation. Forceps. A two-bladed instrument for grasping objects firmly. Formication. A creeping sensation. Function. Office, duty. Fundament. The anus. Fungus. A spongy, morbid growth. Fungous. Pertaining to a fungus. Gargle. A liquid preparation for washing the throat. Gastric. Belonging to the stomach. Gelatinous. Like or containing gelatine. Genitals. The organs of generation. Gestation. Carrying the child in the womb. Gland. A cell or collection of cells which secrete some fluid from the blood. Glandular. Pertaining to the glands. Glottis. The upper part of the windpipe. Glutinous. Resembling or containing glue. Granular. Consisting of or resembling grains. Hallucination. A mental disorder in which one thinks he perceives objects which do not exist. Hectic. The fever of advanced disease. Hemorrhage. Discharge of blood from the blood-vessels. Hepatic. Pertaining to the liver. Hereditary. Handed down from one's parents. Hernia. Protrusion of the viscera. Hydragogue. A medicine causing watery evacuations. Hydrothorax. Dropsy in the chest. Hygiene. That branch of medical science which treats of the preservation of health. Hymen. The membrane which covers the mouth of the vagina. Hyperesthesia. A state of exalted sensibility of a part of the body. Hypertrophy. An unusual bulk of some organ. Hypnotic. Having the quality of producing sleep. Hypodermic. Under the skin. Hypogastrium. The lower part of the abdomen. Ichor. A thin watery humor. Idiopathic. A peculiar individual affection. |
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Idiosyncrasy. A peculiarity of constitution. Illuminant. That which affords light. Impotence. Want of power. Impurity. That which is impure, foul matter. Inanition. Emptiness, exhaustion from want of food. Incontinence. Want of self-restraint. Incubation. The maturing of a contagious poison. Incubus. The nightmare. Indigenous. Native, produced naturally in a country. Induration. The act of hardening. Infection. The communication of disease. Inflammation. Redness and swelling of a part. Inflate. To distent, to swell up. Infusion. Extraction of properties by steeping. Inguinal. Pertaining to the groin. Inhalation. The act of drawing into the lungs. Inhale. To draw into the lungs. Injection. Throwing a liquid into a cavity of the body by means of a syringe. Inoculation. Communication of a disease to a healthy person by inserting contagious matter under the skin. Insomnia. Sleeplessness. Inspiration. Breathing in. Inspissation. The act of rendering a fluid substance thicker by evaporation. Integument. A covering, as the skin. Intercostal. Between the ribs. Intermittent. Ceasing at intervals. Intra. Within. Intussusception. The slipping down of one part of a tube into another. Irrigate. To wash out. Labia. The lips. Lactation. Milking. Lachrymal. Pertaining to or secreting tears. Lacteals. Absorbent vessels conveying chyle. Larva. An insect in its earliest form after leaving the egg. Laryngoscope. An instrument for viewing the larynx. Laryngotomy. The operation of cutting the larynx. Larynx. The upper part of the windpipe. Lateral. Sidewise. Laxative. A medicine which loosens the bowels. Lesion. A hurt or injury. Lethargy. Drowsiness, heaviness. Lienteric. Pertaining to a special form of diarrhoea. Ligament. The strong substance binding together the bones. Ligature. A cord for tying blood-vessels. Linctus. A soothing cough medicine. Liniment. A soft ointment for bathing bruises, etc. Lithontriptic. A medicine which destroys the stone in the bladder. Lithotomy. The cutting operation for stone in the bladder. Lithotrity. The crushing operation for stone in the bladder. Lobe. A round, projecting part of an organ. Lochia. The evacuations from womb and vagina following childbirth. |
Lumbar. Pertaining to the loins. Lymph. A colorless fluid in animal bodies. Macerate. To steep almost to solution. Malarial. Pertaining to malaria. Malleolus. A projection of the ankle-bone. Mamma. The female breast. Mania. Violent derangement of the mind. Matrix. The womb. Maxilla. The jaw-bone. Meatus. A wide natural passage. Meconium. The first evacuations of an infant. Membrane. A thin extended, transparent tissue. Meninges. The three membranes that envelop the brain. Menses. The monthly flow of females. Menstrual. Pertaining to the menses. Metastasis. The sudden removal of disease from one part to another. Micturition. The act of making water. Miasm. Infection floating in the air. Midwife. A woman who serves at a childbirth. Minim. A drop. Minimum. The least. Mitral Valves. The valves of the heart. Morbid. Not sound and healthful. Morbific. Causing disease. Mortification. Decay. Mucous Membrane. The membrane lining all the cavities of the body which open externally. Mucus. A viscid fluid secreted by the mucous membrane. Narcotic. A medicine which relieves pain and produces sleep. Nausea. Inclination to vomit. Nauseant. A medicine which produces nausea. Necrosis. Decay, especially of the bone. Nephritic. Pertaining to the kidneys. Nervine. A medicine which soothes nervous excitement. Nevus. A birthmark. Node. A knot or protuberance. Normal. Healthy, natural. Nostalgia. Homesickness. Nostrum. A quack or patent medicine. Nutritive. Nourishing. Obesity. Stoutness. Obstetrics. The science of midwifery. Occipital. Pertaining to the back of the head. Olfactory. An organ of smelling. Ophthalmoscope. An instrument for examining the eye. Opiates. Narcotic medicines containing opium. Optic. Pertaining to the eye. Orthopnea. A disease in which a person can breathe only when sitting up. Ossification. Turning into bone. Otoscope. An instrument for examining the ear. Ovary. The organ of the female which forms the eggs. Ovariotomy. The surgical operation for ovarian disease. Ovum. An egg. Palatableness. Degree of pleasantness to the taste. Palliative. A medicine which mitigates pain. |
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Palpitation. Violent and irregular beating of the heart. Panacea. A cure-all. Panada. A soft, nourishing food. Pancreas. A gland of the abdomen. Pappillae. The minute elevations on the surface of the skin. Paralysis. The impairment of the function of an organ. Parasite. An animal or plant which lives upon another. Parotid Glands. The glands of the cheeks which secrete the saliva. Paroxysm, A spasmodic convulsion. Patella. The knee-pan. Pathognomonic. Characteristic of a disease. Pathology. The science of the knowledge of diseases. Parturient. Bringing forth young. Pectoral. Pertaining to the chest. Pediculus (plural, Pediculi). A louse. Percussion. Judging of the conditions of internal organs by tapping upon the surface of the body. Perflation. The act of blowing through. Pericardium. The membranous sac which encloses the heart. Perineum. The space between the anus and genitals. Periodicity. The state of having regular periods of change. Periosteum. The fibrous membrane covering the bone. Peristaltic. Contracting in successive circles. Peritoneum. The thin membrane covering the whole internal surface of the abdomen. Permeate. To pass through the pores of a substance. Permeable. That may be permeated. Perspiration. Sweat. Petechiae. Purple spots on the skin. Pharynx. The cavity at the base of the skull. Phlebotomy. The letting of blood. Phlegmon. Inflammation of the cellular tissues. Phthisical. Pertaining to phthisis. Physiognomy. The face or countenance. Physiology. The science of the organs and their functions. Plethora. The state of being over-full. Pleura. The membrane which covers the lungs. Plexus. Any network of vessels, nerves or fibres. Polypus. A tumor with a narrow base. Portable. That may be carried. Post-mortem. After death. Potable. Drinkable. Pregnancy. The condition of being with child. Premonitory. Giving warning beforehand. Probe. To examine a wound or sore by piercing it with a sharp instrument. Process. Any protuberance or eminence. Prognosis. The act of foretelling the course and end of a disease. Prolapsus. The falling forward or downward of a part. Prophylactic. A medicine which protects against disease. Pruritus. Itching. Pseudo. False, Ptyalism. A morbid secretion of saliva. |
Puberty. The age at which persons are capable of bearing or begetting children. Puerperal. Pertaining to childbirth. Pulmonary. Pertaining to the lungs. Pulmonic. A medicine for diseases of the lungs. Pulse. The beating of the heart and arteries. Pungent. Bitter, acrid. Purgative. A medicine which causes the bowels to be freely moved. Purulent. Consisting of or resembling pus. Pus. The yellowish white fluid produced by suppuration. Pustules. A pimple on the skin containing pus. Putrid. Decomposed, rotten. Pylorus. The orifice of the stomach through which the food passes into the intestine. Rectum. The lower end of the large intestine. Recurrent. Returning from time to time. Refrigerant. A medicine which allays fever or heat. Regimen. Systematic treatment and diet. Regurgitate. To throw back. Remission. A temporary subsidence of disease or pain. Remittent. Having remissions. Resolvent. A medicine which has power to disperse inflammation. Respiration. Breathing. Restorative. A medicine which restores strength and vigor. Retina. The internal nervous tissue of the eye. Revulsive. Repugnant, hostile. Rheum. A thin, serous fluid secreted by the mucous glands. Rigor. A convulsive shuddering. Rubefacient. An external application which produces redness of the skin. Saccharine. Having the qualities of sugar. Saliva. The secretion from the glands of the mouth. Salivation. A continued unnatural flow of saliva. Salutary. Wholesome, unnatural. Sanies. A thin, serous fluid exhaled at the surface of ulcers. Sanguine. Hopeful. Sanitary. Pertaining to health. Sanitation. The act of rendering healthy. Sciatic. Pertaining to the hip. Scirrhus. A particular kind of cancerous growth. Sclerotic. The white outer coat of the eye. Scorbutic. Pertaining to or affected with scurvy. Scrofulous. Pertaining to or affected by scrofula. Sebaceous. Giving fatty secretions. Sedative. A medicine which allays irritation. Sedentary. Inactive. Semiflexion. Bending half over. Senile. Pertaining to old age. Septic. A substance that promotes the putrefaction of bodies. Sequelae. The results of a disease. Serous. Thin, watery. Serum. The liquid portion of the blood. Sewerage. The system of sewers. Sewage. The refuse matters removed by sewers. |
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Sialagogue. A medicine which promotes the flow of saliva. Sinapism. A poultice of powdered mustard seed. Sinew. That which unites a muscle to a bone. Slough. The dead part of a sore which separates and falls off. Solution. A dilution. Solvent. A medicine which dissolves callous or stony concretions. Soporific. A medicine which induces sleep. Sordes. Foul matter, excretions. Speculum. An instrument for dilating and throwing light into certain passages of the body for the purpose of examining them. Sphincter. A muscle that contracts the orifice. Spinal. Pertaining to the spine. Sporadic. Single, separate, scattered, Squamous. Scaly, covered with scales. Stertorous. Snoring. Stethoscope. An instrument for listening to the sounds of the heart and lungs. Stimulant. A medicine which quickly increases the vitality. Stomachic. Pertaining to the stomach. Stool. Act of expelling excrement. Strangulation. Suffocation. Strangury. A painful discharge of urine. Stricture. The morbid contraction of a passage of the body. Strumous. Pertaining to scrofula. Stupor. Mental insensibility. Styptic. An astringent medicine. Subcutaneous. Under the skin. Submaxillary. Under the jaw-bone. Sudorific. A medicine which causes sweat. Suppurate. To generate pus. Suture. A seam, a sewing. Symptom. A sign, a token. Syncope. A faint or swoon. Synchronous. Occurring at the same time. Syphilitic. Pertaining to or infected with syphilis. Syphon. A tube or pipe. Tartar. The concretion which forms on the teeth. Tepid. Lukewarm. Tetanic. Pertaining to tetanus. Therapeutics. That part of medicine which respects the discovery and application of remedies. Thorax. The bones of the chest. Tincture. Spirits containing medicinal substances in solution. Tonic. A medicine increasing the strength of the system. Tonsils. The glands in the sides of the throat. |
Torpid. Dull, stupid, sluggish. Torpor. Inactivity. Torsion. The act of turning or twisting. Trachea. The windpipe. Tracheotomy. The surgical operation for croup. Transpiration. Exhalation from the skin. Transude. To pass through the pores. Trap. The arrangement in a pipe to prevent escape of foul gas. Traumatic. A medicine used to cure wounds. Tremor. An involuntary shivering. Triturate. To rub or grind to a powder. Tubercle. A swelling or tumor. Tumefaction. The act of swelling. Tympanum. The drum of the ear. Typhoid. Weak, low. Typhus. An exhaustive fever. Ulcer. A sore secreting pus. Ulna. The larger bone of the forearm. Urea. An animal substance of the urine. Ureter. The excretory duct of the kidney. Uric Acid. The acid contained in the urine. Urinary. Pertaining to the urine. Urine. The secretion from the bladder. Uterus. The womb. Uvula. The soft part of the palate. Vaccine. Derived from cows. Varicose. Unusually enlarged. Vascular. Pertaining to or full of vessels, such as veins and arteries. Venesection, The operation of opening a vein, phlebotomy. Venous. Pertaining to the veins. Ventilation. The act of causing fresh air to pass through a place. Ventral. Belonging to the belly. Ventricle. A small cavity in a body. Vermifuge. A medicine to remove worms. Vertebra. A bone of the spinal column. Vertigo. Dizziness or swimming of the head. Vesicant. A blistering application. Vesication. The process of raising blisters on the skin. Vesicle. A membranous cavity. Veterinary. Pertaining to the art of treating the diseases of domestic animals. Virile. Of or pertaining to a man. Virus. Contagious or poisonous matter. Viscera. The contents of the abdomen, as the stomach, intestines, etc. Viscid. Sticky, glutinous. Vitiate. To spoil, to contaminate. Volatile. Capable of wasting away. |
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Charles Keith.
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Last Modified: Monday, 13-May-2013 15:31:47 EDT