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THIS BOOK MUST NOT BE LOANED.—The prescriptions and treatments of this work are the property of the Society and have been copyrighted, according to law, and no medical treatment or prescription will be given to any except regular subscribers.
We give you for one year the privilege of consulting our Chief of Staff of physicians, either personally or through correspondence, and securing medical consultation and prescription absolutely free.
Should you at any time during this period require medical advice or full instructions regarding any disease or treatment, address our Chief of Staff, explaining clearly what you want; or, if you desire treatment, be careful to describe fully your symptoms and your ailment, so that you will receive the largest benefit from the treatment that will be given you.
Any prescription that you desire to have filled will be sent to you direct from the Chief of our Medical Staff, and there will be absolutely no charge for either consultation or prescriptions.
We require in every case that you write clearly your full name and address, and describe your symptoms and state what you want, and also that you enclose stamp for reply, otherwise the correspondence will not receive attention.
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DR. W. W. MYERS, Chief of Staff,
University Medical Society, Philadelphia.
Dear Sir:—For some time past different members of my family have suffered from illness. I have to acknowledge that Medicology and your treatment act like magic. You are doing a grand work to offer it to the public.
Yours very truly, |
W. G. JONES, Pastor 18th St. M. E. Church, Philadelphia, |
DR. W. W. MYERS, Chief of Staff,
University Medical Society, Philadelphia.
Dear Sir:—Some time ago I had an attack of typhoid fever, and convalesced very slowly. I consulted your treatment, and have been completely restored. I am like a new man. Thanking you heartily, I am
Yours very truly, |
JAMES G. SULGER, No. 608 McKean St., Philadelphia. |
DR, W. W. MYERS, Chief of Staff,
University Medical Society, Philadelphia.
Dear Sir:—For some years I have been troubled with headaches and bilious attacks. I tried various doctors and various kinds of medicine, and nothing seemed to relieve me until I consulted you. Medicology has certainly done marvelous things fur me. I shall advise all my friends afflicted as I was to consult you. Wishing you every success, I remain
Yours, more than gratefully, |
ALEXANDER HANSON, No. 2045 S. Hancock St., Philadelphia. |
DR. W. W. MYERS, Chief of Staff,
University Medical Society, Philadelphia.
Dear Sir:—I have been using Medicology and your treatment, and have received great benefits. Life is again worth living. Wishing you every success, I remain,
Yours very truly, |
J. M. JENKS, Mfg. Jeweler, Lancaster, Penna. |
DR. W. W. MYERS, Chief of Staff,
University Medical Society, Philadelphia.
Dear Sir:—I take pleasure in writing to you my testimony in favor of your wonderful cough cure in Medicology. I suffered with a terrible cough day and night, and had to sit up at night. Could not sleep at all. I grew worse all the time. I tried several physicians, but did not get any relief. Your treatment has completely cured me, and I now feel as well as I ever did. Thanking you for what you have done for me, I remain,
Yours truly, |
(MRS.) J. Q. McATEE, No. 1714 S. Fifteenth St., Philadelphia. |
DR. W. W. MYERS, Chief of Staff,
University Medical Society, Philadelphia.
Dear Sir:—For years I suffered with liver disease, etc. I tried every conceivable medicine. My friend Jenks told me about Medicology and your treatments, and I used them as directed, and must say that a perfect cure has been effected. I have not enjoyed as good health for years,
Yours very truly, |
R. S. LEWIS, Cumberland, Md. |
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DR. W. W. MYERS, Chief of Staff,
University Medical Society, Philadelphia.
Dear Sir:—I have always been troubled some with catarrh, which I supposed to be the cause of buzzing and deafness. Sometimes I became quite deaf. After taking up your treatment in Medicology and consulting with you, I am pleased to advise you that I have not been so well for twenty years. I am very grateful for what you have done.
Yours very truly, |
J. M. STEVENSON, Publisher, Denver, Colorado. |
DR. W. W. MYERS, Chief of Staff,
University Medical Society, Philadelphia.
Dear Sir:—I have been taking the treatment in Medicology, under your instructions, and have been greatly relieved and benefited. My health in general is now good.
Yours truly, |
(MRS.) J. W. KING, E. Helena, Montana. |
DR. W. W. MYERS, Chief of Staff,
University Medical Society, Philadelphia.
Dear Sir:—I have had the prescriptions filled out from Medicology, as per your instructions, and I must say that I see the greatest change in my daughter. She has been entirely relieved of her fits, and is improving rapidly, physically and mentally. I will keep on with your treatment. Please send me a good recipe for the asthma.
Yours truly, |
MRS. S. H. MANN, No. 802 Locust street, Lebanon, Pennsylvania. |
DR. W. W. MYERS, Chief of Staff,
University Medical Society, Philadelphia.
Dear Sir:—I received your letter last week. I have been following the instructions in Medicology, and have been taking the medicine according to your directions. I have entirely recovered, and am feeling quite well. I feel greatly encouraged.
Yours very truly, |
(Miss) MARTHA CHRITTON, Rocky Ford, Colorado. |
DR. W. W. MYERS, Chief of Staff,
University Medical Society, Philadelphia,
Dear Sir:—I have been following the treatment in Medicology as instructed by you, and I think my boy much better, and am very grateful for the service rendered. He does not scream any more during his sleep, and his appetite is improving. I will be glad to have you give me further instructions.
Yours very truly, |
J. C. COOLEY, Cheyenne, Wyoming. |
DR. W. W. MYERS, Chief of Staff,
University Medical Society, Philadelphia.
Dear Sir:—The treatment for eczema, as given in Medicology, is improving my condition rapidly. I am very thankful for what you have done for me.
Yours very truly, |
J. H. QUIMBY, Dorchester, Mass. |
DR. W. W. MYERS, Chief of Staff,
University Medical Society, Philadelphia.
Dear Sir:—I was advised to write to you by one of my friends who had purchased Medicology. My boy had a very bad case of diphtheria, which had left him in very bad shape, and with all the treatments of physicians he did not seem to get any better. We have had six other cases of diphtheria since I received your book and treatment, and I attended to these cases myself, and they came out all right. The result of your treatment is marvelous.
Yours very truly, |
E. DAUGHERTY, No. 523 Van Buren street, Wilmington, Del. |
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Last Modified: Monday, 13-May-2013 15:31:47 EDT